Life Coach for Moms

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My latest blog posts

How to Help our Anxious Kids

How to Help our Anxious Kids

Did you know the US is sliding down the world happiness rankings? But it’s the unhappiness of young people that’s really dragging down the average. What has happened to make Gen Z so sad? And what can be done to turn the situation around?

Join me as I discuss the figures from the World Happiness Report and then give us actionable tips we can practice today to stop the rise of anxiety and depression in our youth.

For more resources, including links, click here

If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this next one on how to empower teens

Keep the Party going! Opportunities for you:

– Gain insight into the Life You’re Living by taking Susie’s Free Life Audit:
– Keep the conversation going! Tell me what you thought of this episode in Susie’s Midlife Warrior Facebook Group:
– See if the Love Your Life School is open for enrollment here:
– Sign up for Susie’s Weekly Wellness Newsletter:
– Support Susie’s mission of helping as many women as possible live lives they love here:
– Let’s be friends on Instagram:
– Don’t have a life coach? My schedule has openings and I’d be honored to be yours: 

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Overcome Financial Fears and Build Money Confidence

Overcome Financial Fears and Build Money Confidence

Are you sick of stressing about money? Do you sometimes wonder if you have enough? How often do you feel fear, overwhelm or guilt about your finances?

Great news! Today’s episode will help!

I have Money expert Mikelann Valterra on the show to help us overcome our financial fears and build money confidence. We talk about our money mindset, helpful things we can do as parents to teach our kids healthy habits around money and about financial literacy, why we may feel more worried about money around the empty nest or during divorce, and much more.

I can’t wait for you to listen and to learn the small things you can start today to feel less financial stress and more financial ease.

For more resources, including links, click here

If you liked this episode, you’ll love these past episodes of Susie:

How to worry less about money:

On Apple Podcast:

On Spotify:

The Four Money Personalities:

On Apple Podcast:

On Spotify:

Keep the Party going! Opportunities for you:

⭐️ Gain insight into the Life You’re Living by taking Susie’s Free Life Audit:
⭐️ Keep the conversation going! Tell me what you thought of this episode in Susie’s Midlife Warrior Facebook Group:
⭐️ See if the Love Your Life School is open for enrollment here:
⭐️ Sign up for Susie’s Weekly Wellness Newsletter:
⭐️ Support Susie’s mission of helping as many women as possible live lives they love here:
⭐️ Let’s be friends on Instagram:
⭐️ Don’t have a life coach? My schedule has openings and I’d be honored to be yours: 

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Break the Burnout Cycle: Real Tips for Less Overwhelm

Break the Burnout Cycle: Real Tips for Less Overwhelm

Tired of feeling burnt out and overwhelmed? We all know the feeling – that burst of energy at the start of a new season, followed by the inevitable crash and burn.  But what if there’s a better way?

In this episode, we’re ditching the “go big or go home” mentality and embracing a kinder, gentler approach to change. I’m sharing my tried-and-true 3-step process that will help you make REAL progress without the overwhelm.

Whether you’re drowning in household chores, feeling disconnected from your family, or just plain stressed, this episode is packed with practical tips to help you find more ease and joy in your everyday life.

And here’s the best part: you don’t have to do it alone! If you’re craving a deeper connection and personalized support, come join us in the Love Your Life School. We’re a community of amazing women cheering each other on and creating lives we love.

For more resources, including links, click here

If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this next one on burnout,

Keep the Party going! Opportunities for you:

Gain insight into the Life You’re Living by taking Susie’s Free Life Audit:
Keep the conversation going! Tell me what you thought of this episode in Susie’s Midlife Warrior Facebook Group:
See if the Love Your Life School is open for enrollment here:
Sign up for Susie’s Weekly Wellness Newsletter:
Support Susie’s mission of helping as many women as possible live lives they love here:
Let’s be friends on Instagram:
Don’t have a life coach? My schedule has openings and I’d be honored to be yours: 

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positive_150"Susie is one of the most positive people I've ever known!

She inspires me constantly to believe in myself and to take the time to take care of myself.

Susie has taught me so much and I'm grateful to know her!!!"

emily_150"Susie's sunny disposition is unwavering and contagious: from our sessions together to her upbeat texts she'll send reminding me of how to "stay well" (basically stay sane.)

Highly recommend for anyone needing some solid centering."

20_150"More important than the 20 pounds I've lost since starting with SMB, is my improved relationship with exercise + my body!"