Alison Canavan spent two decades as a successful international model and is now a UCLA-trained Mindfulness Facilitator, Author of the book Minding Mum, a Health & Wellness Coach, and delivers motivational talks on wellbeing all over the world.

Wow! All of that yet I wanted her to be a guest on our show before I knew all of that! Why? Because of her experience with anxiety, mental health, and addiction.

Alison dealt with addiction, depression, and anxiety for the first part of her life. Her story is extreme yet interestingly similar to many of ours (take out the modeling piece). This makes her teachings on wellness and health incredibly relatable (and do-able). Alison Canavan, mindfulness, stop catch change, cbt, mindset

Listen in as we get honest and dive deep. We discuss things like how to manage anxiety, the role of alcohol in our society, why we need to stop being so busy, how to feel our feelings (not fix them), and how mindfulness helps us both in our lives.  I loved connecting with Alison and know you will love listening in.

Spread this important message out by taking a screenshot and tagging us both on Instagram (her account is linked below). #togetherwerise dear warrior women! 

Find Alison here:
Alison’s Website    
Alison Canavan Wellness on Instagram
Alison on Twitter

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