Money Mindset Series

I am so excited to be able to bring you today’s podcast interview and for you to learn more about money mindset with Denise Duffield-Thomas. She was one of the first people to introduce me to the crazy concept of a money mindset or a relationship with money. Having her on the show to introduce, or re-introduce, these concepts to you means a lot to me.

If you hear yourself saying any of the following, this podcast series is for you:

I can’t afford that;
Rich people are mean;
I have to work hard to make money;
I’ll never have enough money; 
Rich people are greedy;
I don’t want to look at my bills;

If you find yourself doing any of the following, this podcast series is for you:

Hiding purchases from your spouse or partner;
Avoiding bills;
Feeling guilty when you buy something for yourself;
Buying something for yourself that you can’t afford;

Denise is joining us in our money mindset series as she was one of the first people I learned from when I began to view money differently. Denise Duffield-Thomas is the money mentor for the new wave of online entrepreneurs who want to make money and change the world. She helps women charge premium prices, release the fear of money and create First Class lives.  

I highly recommend her books Lucky Bitch, Get Rich, Lucky Bitch, and Chillpreneur. money mindset with Denise Duffield ThomasShe adds fun into a topic that generally can seem dull or onerous. You will love your time spent with Denise, whether on our podcast, through our YouTube, or one of the following places. Let’s go warriors. The more of us out there earring money and getting rich, the more positive influence we can have. As Denise says: Make Money, Change the World.

Find and Follow Denise Here:

Denise’s Website
Denise on Instagram
Denise on Facebook

Get Her Books and Bootcamp Here:

Money Bootcamp

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