
Forgiveness is not what you think. It’s not about the other person. There’s a big misunderstanding with forgiveness and that keeps a lot of us stuck feeling crappy.

I’ve helped many women change their lives and the lives of their families and legacies through forgiveness. How? Listen in as we dive into two main pieces of forgiveness and forgiveness work so I can help you too:

  1. Why we are reluctant to forgive
  2. How to forgive

Thought Work 2.0emotional intelligence,

If this is your first podcast, please grab my free resource the Podcast Roadmap as this is an advanced concept. To be able to forgive at a level that’s not a spiritual bypass requires an understanding of thought work and the thought model. The roadmap is free and is designed to give you that support.

Forgiveness is For You

anger, resentment, forgivenessWhen you forgive someone, you don’t make them feel good, you make you feel good. When you don’t forgive someone, you’re not making them feel bad, you’re making you feel bad.  Feeling angry and resentful towards another human doesn’t impact that human. It’s impacts you. Listen in as I give personal examples and action steps for you to take so you can feel more empowered and free in your life. You matter to me. 

Do You Have a Life Coach?

If you don’t have a life coach yet, I’d love to be yours. I have had some pretty awful things happen to me in my life and so I have expert knowledge to support you. Who do you feel anger towards? How often do you feel resentful? Let me help you show up as your best self.

If you’re listening to this live, my signature program, Finding Joy in Everyday Life, is open for a limited time now. Right now. Don’t miss out as once the doors close, they’re closed and there’s no way in or no way into my monthly warrior membership. Why wait to feel better? You are here for a reason and it’s not to feel crappy. That much I know for sure. If you wake up feeling low, heavy, or dull, sign up. If you wonder “is this all there is?” Sign up. If you’re wonder why you don’t feel better. You have the things you thought that would make you feel better, and yet….Sign up. I help hundreds of women and I’d love love love to support you. I can’t wait!

joy, signature program, habit


Once the doors close, they’re closed and there’s no way in or no way into my monthly warrior membership. Why wait to feel better? habit formation, behavior change, habits, new behaviors, word of the year