Confidence Cure: How to Be More Confident

Warriors, today we’re diving into something that has the power to transform your life completely. It’s the one thing I wish I could gift to every single one of you with a magic wand – unconditional self-love.

In this episode of the Love Your Life Show, we’re exploring what I call “true confidence.” It’s not about feeling good only when everything’s going right. It’s about loving yourself unconditionally, through the ups and downs, the mess-ups and the victories.

Why True Confidence Matters

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly go after their dreams while others hold back? The secret ingredient is this unconditional self-love. When we love ourselves without conditions, we’re more likely to:

  1. Take risks and pursue our goals
  2. Bounce back from setbacks
  3. Treat ourselves with kindness and self-compassion

The Problem with Self-Criticism

Many of us were raised to believe that being hard on ourselves is the path to improvement. We think if we criticize ourselves enough, we’ll do better next time. But here’s the truth, warriors:

  • Self-criticism might work in the short term, but it erodes our confidence in the long term.
  • Shame and harsh self-talk actually hide solutions.
  • When we’re mean to ourselves, we don’t leave room for learning and growth.

The Confidence Cure: Choosing Self-Love

Here’s the good news: you can choose to love yourself, starting right now. It’s as simple (and as challenging) as drawing a line in the sand and deciding that from this moment forward, you’ll be your own biggest supporter. Listen in to the Love Your Life Show for specific examples how.

Practical Steps to Build True Confidence:

  1. Tune your inner radio to the “I love myself” channel. Only allow supportive, kind, and curious messages through.
  2. When you catch your inner critic, talk back to it. Say things like, “I’m not listening to those messages anymore!”
  3. Replace negative self-talk with phrases like “I’m creating new neural pathways” or “I’m learning to support myself.”
  4. Practice speaking to yourself as you would to a dear friend or loved one.

Remember, Warriors, this isn’t about being perfect. It’s about accepting your whole, messy, magnificent self. Our imperfections are what make us human and lovable.

Your Challenge

This week, I challenge you to practice speaking only kindly to yourself. Notice the difference it makes in how you feel and how you show up in your life.

If you’re ready to dive deeper into building true confidence and creating a life you love, I invite you to join us in the Love Your Life School. We’re just wrapping up a month focused on true confidence, and in August, we’ll be creating our life lists. Creating a life list is a step by step way to set goals, take steps towards meeting those goals, and living a life you love.

If you’re listening to this on July 31st, 2024, there’s still time to join our annual Life List Experience! Head to to sign up and start creating the life of your dreams.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. I’m right here with you, cheering you on every step of the way. You’ve got this, Warrior!


⭐️ The Power of Lovability

⭐️ Which Soundtrack is Playing in your Head?

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