The Burden of Over-Responsibility: How to Lighten Your Load

Do you ever feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? That if something goes wrong with your kids, your partner, or even a friend, it’s somehow your job to fix it? 

If you’re nodding along, you’re not alone. Women are raised to believe we’re responsible for everyone and everything around us. That we are responsible for everything – from our health diagnoses, to our kids emotions to whether our husband remembers his sister’s birthday or not and on and on.

This conditioned way of thinking leads to us feeling anxious, guilty, resentful, and full of shame. Felt long enough (which we do), we experience mental and physical burnout.


Codependency and Over Functioning

This episode of the podcast dives deep into the topic of over-responsibility, a side effect of codependency and codependent thinking that is draining the life force out of us. When I am thinking and acting codependently, I feel emotionally exhausted and frustrated with the other people in my life. If I don’t catch myself,  I can feel like a martyr and tend to disconnect from the very relationships that I spent so much time thinking and worrying about.

This pattern of over functioning or taking responsibility for things that are not our responsibilities, is a pervasive pattern that is wreaking havoc in our lives. Whether you’re a mom, an empty nester, or a midlifer, please listen in to this important episode. I believe we are at a crucial time in history where our generation is being called to do things differently. 


What You’ll Learn in the Episode:

  • Why we women believe we are responsible for everything in our lives and the lives and feelings of others
  • What this feeling of over responsibility looks like in everyday life
  • Why thinking we are responsible leads to mental and emotional exhaustion
  • How we are praised for this harmful behavior (and how men are not)
  • The relational and mental health consequences of over functioning, codependent thinking, and feeling overly responsible; on us and on those we love
  • A limited time learning opportunity you don’t want to miss!


The Time Is Now

The women in the generations before us fought to eliminate the external constraints of patriarchy. Our mothers and grandmothers and great-grandmothers fought for our external freedoms—like the right to vote, open a credit card, and own property. 

It is now our time and our turn. Our work is to fight the internal battle. The battle happening in our head when we think we’re being selfish by not answering our friend’s call or that we’re doing something wrong by not over-functioning in our kids or spouses or parents lives. 

By fighting against the inner thoughts patriarchy placed in our head, we do the work to reclaim our mental and emotional freedom. We can only get there by questioning the thought and belief that we are responsible for everything and everyone.

Join me in this journey towards freedom and ease, starting with awareness. Once we see where we’ve been over-functioning, we can start making different choices. Together, we can create a world where we’re no longer weighed down by this invisible burden, but instead, feel light, empowered, and truly free.



I am passionate about changing this paradigm. Listening to a podcast like the Love Your Life Show is a great start yet is only that, a start. In order to change our lives and change systems, we must go a level deeper. 

Many of you are already in the Love Your Life School. If you’re not, please check here to see if it’s open to join. It is the place where you get individual help to better apply these concepts to your life.

And, if you’re listening to this live time ATTENTION! You don’t want to miss this. I’ve never done this before and may never again.

I’m offering a LIVE WEBINAR where I will teach you the very thing so you can step out of this pattern, for your sake and for the sake of future generations. To sign up for this one-time opportunity, go to and Join me Oct 23, 2024, at 4 and 7 PM EST