Communication Tool: Less Drama, More Connection

Learn this simple communication tip to feel better this week. I promise! My husband and I have been using it and we’ve noticed a big difference. It helps us feel more connection and less drama. What is this magical tool? I learned about it through author Charles Duhigg’s new book titled Super Communicators. It’s on my amazon list of favorite products so be sure to check it out here after you listen in to this episode. 

Why do we want to learn communication and conversation skills?

The skill and habit of becoming a super communicator is one that will serve you well in life in every area. Whether it’s advocating for yourself in a medical appointment, speaking up in a marriage, connecting with a sibling, coworker, or friend. Learning this simple framework is going to help you! We weren’t taught this stuff in school and yet there are skilled and less skilled ways of doing communicating. Have you ever got to the end of a convo and thought, what the heck just came out of my mouth? Or oh wow, I could’ve handle that differently? Well I have and thinking of conversations in this way has been helping me so much!

Communication Tool

Speaking and listening is something we all learn and can practice without any certificates or degrees. In fact, communicating might be one of those areas where we think we know what we need to know and there’s no need for us to learn anything new.

Yet, we go through life using our elementary communicating skills wondering why we keep feeling disconnected, misunderstood, or frustrated.

It’s like it’s groundhog day. I say one thing, my husband says another and then boom, both of us walk away shaking our heads. 

As Einstein says, you can’t solve your problems with the same level of thinking that got you there. 

Luckily this is my job as a life coach. I get to notice the gap in learning and teach skills in a simple, concise and use-able way.

And that’s what I’m doing today. I’m combining what I’m learning as I read one of Charles Duhigg’s latest books, called super communicator and combining it with my knowledge of mindful communication, relationship skills, and emotional intelligence. 

Listen in to learn:

  •  A framework that will help you as a parent, a spouse, a friend, or a coworker
  • How thinking of the intent of our communication helps
  • What the three types of conversation are and how Susie likes thinking of them as three circles
  • Why knowing the intent of the communicator is so helpful
  • How thinking of conversations in this way will help you feel more connected
  • Personal, relatable, everyday examples that you can learn from to apply to your own life,
  • Learn Parenting Teens HHH Tool,
  • And much more!

Take This Further

Bring your questions and specific situations to live coaching in The Love Your Life School or on the Facebook post in our private warrior group. Remember, learning about and thinking about these tools is a first step. But getting out and practicing them is where our lives change. We all know that you can’t learn to ride a bike by listening to podcasts or watching YouTube videos. You have to get on the bike. We learn through experiences not knowledge. I give you the knowledge on the podcast and then you get to take the messy action and lean on me.. 

If you’re loving what you’re learning on the podcast, you have got to come check out The Love Your Life School. It’s an exclusive online community and classroom. It is where you get individual help to better apply these concepts to your life. Not only that you will get a library of next level coaching tools and concepts that I can’t fit in a podcast episode. It’s also where you can hang out, get coached and geek out about all things thought work and empowered mindset with other podcast listeners just like you and me.

It’s my favorite place on Earth and it will change your life, I guarantee it. Come join us at


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