What You Need to Know About Perimenopause & Menopause

Earlier this month, I attended an all-day menopause training with some of the world’s leading women’s health experts—Dr. Mary Claire Haver, Dr. Kelly Casperson, Dr. Louise Newson, and Dr. Vonda Wright, to name a few. It was packed with incredible insights, and I walked away with so much valuable information. 

There were two key takeaways that I knew my warriors needed to hear:

1️⃣ Now more than ever, it’s up to us to become the expert on our personal health.
2️⃣ It’s not as complicated as it seems. Truly.

Most doctors receive less than an hour of menopause training in medical school. Unless they’ve gone out of their way to study the research, they’re likely working with outdated information—information that directly impacts the advice they give us in appointments.

One of the biggest areas of confusion? Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

Many women are scared of it, thinking it causes breast cancer, when in reality, study after study shows that HRT is one of the best ways to protect our brains, bones, and hearts for the long term.

So, let’s clear up the confusion.

I’m diving into four major menopause myths we once believed—myths that, with updated research, we now know are incorrect and even harmful. And don’t worry, I’m not just busting myths—I’m giving you simple, doable steps to protect your health today and for years to come.

For the best experience, listen to the episode and my personal examples here on Apple or on Spotify.

Myth #1: High-Intensity Exercise is Best

We’ve been told to push harder—more HIIT workouts, more intense cardio. But in perimenopause and menopause, this can actually increase cortisol, our stress hormone, leading to more belly fat, fatigue, and sleep issues. Instead, prioritize strength training, walking, and mini movements throughout the day.

I give specific examples of how I add Vitamin M (for movement) into my day in this week’s Love Your Life Show episode. I give two small, specific ways you can add exercise into your day that will make a big impact in your longevity and wellness.

Myth #2: Low-Fat Diets Are Healthy

Remember the ‘90s low-fat craze? How many of us were taught that fewer calories and zero fat was best? I know I’m not the only one who tried those fat free oreos or who devoured whole packets of Snackwells, right?! Plus, I’m probably not the only one that then had the resulting tummy ache and GI issues.

Turns out, our brains and hormones need healthy fats like omega-3s, olive oil, nuts, and seeds. They also need a whole lot more protein than many of us are getting. Not only does protein support muscle retention, metabolism, and energy levels. It also helps with our brain fog and can lower anxiety. One of the best things I’ve learned to ask myself when I’m feeling anxious is “when is the last time you’ve had protein?”

Myth #3: A Glass of Wine is Good for You

This is not a popular topic to speak about but I can not sleep well thinking that some people out there don’t know that not only is alcohol not healthy, it causes 7 kinds of cancer. Further, as we age, we metabolize alcohol slower. So, one serving of wine or tequila or whatever your drink of choice is, can stay in your system for up to 72 hours. And what does that mean “stay in your system”? It’s bathing your brain in an inflammatory, toxic substance. So that one glass of wine a night? Your brain is constantly coated in substances known to cause dementia, depression, and 7 cancers. 

Each one of us gets to make the choices that are correct and best for us. I just want you to know the information that big ad dollars and big companies run by men don’t want you to know. Not only is alcohol not good for us, it disrupts sleep, increases depression and anxiety, and accelerates aging. And in perimenopause and menopause? It makes symptoms WORSE—hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats. If you’ve been struggling with any of these, try skipping alcohol for a couple of weeks and see what happens. I am here to make sure you’re making informed choices. I want you to have the real facts and then you get to make the choices. 

Myth #4: HRT Causes Breast Cancer

This myth has caused unnecessary suffering for many women. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) does NOT cause breast cancer. Not only have there been countless studies refuting the erroneous 2020 World Health Study, think about it: If estrogen cause cancer, far more women in their 20s and 30s would have breast cancer than older women (because their estrogen is so much higher than older women). It makes no sense. 

Please listen to the Love Your Life Show episode for this particular part of the conversation. Because many of our doctors, friends, and parents are still believing the data from this one study over 20 years ago, women’s brains, bones, and heart health is suffering. 

As Mary Clare Haver says in this Youtube Video, “If you choose to live the last third of your life without the benefit of estrogen, I fully support your decision. Your body, your choice. I’m just here to make sure your decision isn’t based on fear, misogyny, paternalism, lack of education or misinformation. 

Small Steps to Support Your Health in Perimenopause, Menopause, or any age

Menopause Myths—And the Truth That Sets You Free

What can you do today to feel better and protect your long-term health?

Consider HRT – Get informed and have a conversation with a doctor who understands menopause. Find doctors in your area and learn more here.

Focus on Whole Healthy Foods: Aim to “POP” at your meals: protein, olive oil, produce. 

Move More, But Smarter – Strength train, walk daily, and avoid long periods of sitting. 

Reduce / Eliminate Alcohol – Cutting back can improve sleep, mood, and overall health.

How to Thrive from Here:

Menopause and perimenopause doesn’t have to be horrendous. There are plenty of simple things we can do to support ourselves in this time. Start by grabbing my free MENOPAUSE RESOURCE SHEET here. It’s not fancy but it’s where I keep as many resources as possible. Further, join a community like the Love Your Life School where we talk about these things. We’ll be spending the month of May on health, think of it as menopause May! If you’re looking for an easy way to stay accountable to learning about yourself, this is the time to join. http://TheLoveYourLifeSchool.com



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