Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is a concept and practice that has brought great freedom to my life and growth to my relationships. It helps me in my relationships with my husband and also with my kids, my parents, and my friends. This post and this episode is not for you if you’re in an emotional, verbal, or physically abusive relationship. If you’re in that situation, schedule a one-on-one session so that we set you up in safe relationships. I was in that sort of relationship and thinking that I needed to do something different to support the relationship is 100% unhelpful and not what my podcast show is about.

love always wins, unconditional love, Susie Pettit, healthy relationships, boundaries

Conditional vs Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is loving without conditions. Loving someone no matter what. However, most of what has been modeled for us growing up and in movies is very conditional love. I know that I went in to my first marriage full of conditions and expectations of what he needed to do and how he needed to support me. That’s codependency. Codependency gives our power away to the other person with conditions. It is not healthy for either partner and yet, is something that’s modeled for us in schools, churches, houses, and on TV. Listen in to this week’s episode for examples of unconditional and conditional love so you can begin to discern between the two.

Listen in to Learn

  • Two things that make unconditional love easier
  • If the role of the spouse in a marriage is not to make the other happy, then what’s the point?
  • The role of Emotional Intelligence 
  • Why how you think of yourself matters
  • And much more

Resources Mentioned

Warrior Monthly Membership (THE place to practice setting boundaries and talking about uncondtionional love

Happiness Habits Program

Podcast Roadmap


Codependency Episode

Boundary Setting for People Pleasers

Non Violent Communication