Welcome Warriors! I’m excited to share my insights and research to help you shape a life that resonates with your true values. From the research I have on life satisfaction, positive psychology, habit formation, brain science, human development, and more, one thing rings true: living a life you love is one where you’re guided by your values.


A Personal Crusade

Why is it important to me that you live a life you love? Personally, I have had the experience of not living a life I loved for many years so I know how empty and stressful that feels. Greater than that, it is my belief that we are all here with unique gifts that can be discovered through following the things that light our heart up. When we are living lives as people pleasers or codependently out of fear (both were me), we are distracted from the things we’re here to do.

Study after study shows that when women and men begin to live lives in alignment with their values, systems and societies change (let alone individual families). When one of us rises, we all benefit. 


The Power of Embracing Individuality

We are all unique beings. The things that excite and interest you are guideposts that point you towards you’re happiest, most fulfilled life.

This week’s episode helps you quiet the noise of the outside world and influence so that you can begin to listen more closely to what I call, your inner warrior. In midlife, we move through a transition, a midlife awakening, where we move form outside in living to inside out living. It is the key to life satisfaction and I hope you listen in to this week’s episode so you can do the exercise I explain.

A Task Before the Week Ends

Today, I present an imperative call to action – a mandate to be completed before the week concludes. While this podcast is a beginning, see if the Love Your Life School is open for enrollment. Inside this exclusive online membership, you’ll receive deeper, personalized support to help you live a life in alignment with your values. 

Embrace the Discomfort

So, what’s this step, you ask? It’s about uncovering your values. Not in a vague, abstract “I value honesty” manner, but through a profound alignment of your daily life with these guiding principles. Hence, the reason I’m encouraging you to undertake this one task before the week wraps up.

Much of our stress and anxiety stem from failing to live the life we’re meant for – one that resonates with our values. When our calendar aligns with these values, I see people experiencing a deep level of calm. That level of calm is not present when we’re people pleasing or procrastinating. In fact, after doing the values exercise in the Love Your Life School, a student shared her depression and anxiety lessened. In a recent group coaching she also shared how she feels much more excited about her everyday life.


You are going to feel your best when how you’re living your life aligns with what matters to you. Listening in to this podcast (here on Apple or here on Spotify) will get you started. In the meantime, no matter where you are, please know that I am here for you. This is my life’s work, to help as many women as possible, live lives they love. 


⭐️Manifest Your Future Meditation (by Susie’s husband, meditation teacher, Paul Pettit) 

⭐️See if the LOVE YOUR LIFE SCHOOL is now enrolling: https://SMBWELL.COM/LIFESCHOOL

⭐️Are we friends on Instagram? Let’s catch up!https://instagram.com/smb.wellness

⭐️Show Notes Here: https://smbwell.com/264

⭐️Support Susie’s mission to help women live lives they love: https://patreon.com/susiepettit  

⭐️Grab some of my favorite products here:https://amazon.com/shop/smbwell

⭐️Have a teen in the house? Learn the basics to support your changing child here:https://smbwell.com/parenting

⭐️Want a life coach? If I have room in my calendar, I’d be honored to be yours! https://smb.as.me

⭐️Do you get my weekly Wednesday email? I’m starting a new section: WHAT WARRIORS ARE READING? Come join the fun!http://bit.ly/2gYQMlA

⭐️I’ve been sharing videos of my life in Australia on Facebook – I’d love to be friends with you there too!https://facebook.com/strength.mindandbody