How to Have More Fun (And Why It’s Essential for Your Well-being)

Warriors, can I be honest with you? I’ve been struggling with something lately, and I bet many of you can relate. It’s about fun – or more specifically, my lack of it.

I realized recently that I’ve been so focused on being productive, efficient, and “doing it all” that I’ve forgotten how to simply enjoy life. And you know what? It’s not just me. I’ve been hearing from so many of you that you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and frankly, a little joyless.

But here’s the kicker: having fun isn’t just a nice-to-have. It’s essential for our health, happiness, and longevity. In fact, as Glennon Doyle says, fun is FUNdamental!

So, in this episode, I’m diving deep into the world of fun. We’re going to explore what it really means, why it’s so crucial for our well-being, and how we can incorporate more of it into our lives – even when we feel like we don’t have a spare minute.


What is Fun, Anyway?

I love the definition given by Catherine Price on a recent podcast with Glennon Doyle. She defines fun as having three parts:

  1. Connection: That feeling of sharing a special experience with someone else.
  2. Flow: When time seems to stand still and we’re fully present in the moment.
  3. Playfulness: A spirit of lightheartedness and freedom, doing something just for the sake of it.

As I reflected on this, I realized that for me, the ‘playfulness’ part – especially letting go of self-consciousness – is the most challenging. How about you?


The Health Benefits of Fun

Now, you might be thinking, “Susie, that’s great, but I don’t have time for fun. I’ve got too much to do!” I get it, warriors. I really do. But here’s the thing: making time for it isn’t selfish or frivolous. It’s necessary for your health.

Remember that Time Magazine article I shared in episode 303? It showed that self-silencing behaviors (like always putting others first) are linked to serious health issues, including IBS, chronic fatigue, and even cancer. Yikes!

And let’s not forget what Dr. Maritza Snyder taught us about Rushing Women’s Syndrome. When we’re constantly in that “my-butt-is-on-fire” state, our adrenals get fried and we burn out.

On the flip side, prioritizing fun can lead to better health, increased longevity, and greater life satisfaction. Just look at the amazing Carol Burnett, who’s still going strong at 91! She credits her vitality to always prioritizing fun and laughter.


How to Have More Fun

So, how do we actually make this happen? Here are a few strategies I’m trying:

  1. Keep a Fun File: At the end of each day, I jot down moments where I experienced connection, flow, or playfulness. It’s helping me recognize fun in unexpected places – like a great conversation in the supermarket line!
  2. Schedule Fun: My 96-year-old Aunty Pat literally puts fun on her calendar. If it works for her, it can work for us!
  3. Redefine Fun: Fun doesn’t have to be grand or Pinterest-worthy. It could be a silly card game with your kid or a spontaneous dance party in your kitchen.
  4. Practice Being Present: Fun often happens when we’re fully engaged in the moment. Try leaving your phone in your pocket next time you’re waiting in line or sitting in a park.

Warriors, I know this isn’t easy. We’ve been conditioned to always be “on,” to be productive, to put others first. But I truly believe that by prioritizing fun, we’re not just improving our own lives – we’re modeling a healthier, more joyful way of living for those around us.

So, I challenge you: How can you add more fun to your life this week? Share your ideas in our Facebook group – I can’t wait to learn from you!

And if you want some support in this journey, don’t forget to check out my Life List Experience. We start next week, and I’d love to have you join us as we plan for a more fun-filled, satisfying life.

Remember, warriors: You deserve to enjoy your life. Let’s make it happen, together.


Resources mentioned in this Episode

⭐️ The episode about the health hazards of self silencing as reported in Time Magazine

⭐️ Get Inspired by Aunty Pat

⭐️ Learn about Rushing Women’s Syndrome with Dr. Mariza here

⭐️ Episode with Glennon Doyle, Abby Womback, and Catherine Price on Fun

⭐️ Catherine Price’s Book (The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again) and the Warrior Journal so you can make your own FUN FILE


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