Suck Less

Suck Less

The goal is not perfection. The goal is to evolve. We can’t evolve by staying in our safe zone. We evolve by pushing our limits and failing. Last weekend at my Life Coach Mastermind, I had the opportunity to hear, Tom Sterner, the author of the book “The...


What is your inner warrior trying to tell you? Nothing you don’t already know. You just need to be brave to stop and to listen.
Wake up.
It is time.
You are ready.
Life loves you.
Wake up.
Your journey has begun.

Reach to Be More You!

Reach to Be More You!

As humans, we are programmed to evolve. At different points in our lives, situations arise that encourage us to let go of our old identities to evolve into a new best version of ourselves. To reach a bit higher today that we did yesterday. I am changing the focus of...
Guess What’s Missing From Your Life?

Guess What’s Missing From Your Life?

“Do you feel as if something is missing from your life? It is. It’s you. More of the real you.” I spent the first part of my life doing what I told myself I ‘should’ be doing. It was like I was following a check list for Life: √ Get good grades. √Go to...
Brownies for Breakfast

Brownies for Breakfast

“I had brownies for breakfast. My day is ruined.” 8:14 AM. This was the first text I saw this morning. I’m not surprised. The Washington, DC area is covered in snow… Snow days can be a wonderful, peaceful, and fun. They also can be difficult…

Thankful for Lower Expectations

Thankful for Lower Expectations

As you’re hopefully aware, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving has the potential to be the most enjoyable and peaceful of our annual holidays. There are no gifts, everyone can celebrate, decorations are not expected, and it’s based on one of our best…