Deliberate Thinking

Deliberate Thinking

In order to have a future different than our past, we have to start thinking and believing different and bigger thoughts.
On purpose.
Over and over.
As Dr. Joe Dispenza says, we have to break the habit of being ourselves.
If you want things to be different, you must do things differently.
Join me this week as I explain how this will help you.

Show notes for this episode can be found at
If you’re ready to get started with Susie her most popular program is open NOW! Don’t miss out: Finding Joy In Your Everyday Life, learn more here:
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Deliberate Confidence

Deliberate Confidence

Do you know what the biggest killer of a dream is?
Self doubt.
Years ago, it was a big aha moment for me to realize that the reason I wasn’t living the life I wanted to be living, the reason I was floating along, surviving in a puddle of stress, was because of what was going on between my two ears.
Because of my thoughts about myself and what was possible for me.
Oh geez.
What we think about ourselves matters.
Confidence is underrated.
It is the fuel that our dreams are made of.
I am here, 10 years after that aha, with this podcast series. To share with you simple tips (that you can actually start today) that build your confidence.
That give you the power to live a life you don’t even yet believe is possible for you.
Let me help.
You matter to me.
Show notes and all links to products and special prices can be found at
Don’t miss out on the free Bridge Thoughts Worksheet:
And please please please, if you’re ready to take it to the next level. If you’re ready to move from surviving to thriving, check out my program. It’s only open two times a year and if you act fast, one of those times is now.

How you think about yourself matters to me!

Radical Self Acceptance

Radical Self Acceptance

Why do so many of us coaches and light spreaders speak of the importance of self compassion, self acceptance, or self love?
Oh because, dear warriors!
How we think about ourselves impacts all areas of our mental, physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual health. And there are far too many of us out there doubting our brilliance; doubting our amazingness; doubting our excellence.
I know I did.
Which is why this week I introduce you to the term radical self acceptance.
Join in.
It’s time.

Did you know there are show notes for every episode? Find this show’s at and then sign up for the newsletter so you don’t miss any specials or freebies.
I love supporting and surprising you!

How To Vacation From Home

How To Vacation From Home

Many of us are experiencing different summers, whether it’s plans being cancelled because of COVID-19 or because of our personal choice to stay at home, it’s time to get creative with vacations.
Help is here! In this post I explain each and include an “At Home Challenge” so you can make your every day life more like a vacation.
Show notes for this episode are at
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Susie is a Certified Life and Wellness Coach with over 10 years experience helping women live lives they love. She wants to help you too!

The End Of People Pleasing

The End Of People Pleasing

Do you say yes when you mean no?
Do you go along with a group to avoid conflict?
Do you feel responsible for how other people feel?
Do you apologize often?
When someone is upset with you, do you try to “make it right” even if that means that you go against your values?
Do you tell people when you’re disappointed in them or their actions?
Do you stick up for yourself when you feel you’ve been wronged?
You may be a people pleaser.
Or, more aptly titled, a people deceiver.
This podcast is for you.
4 tools.
Choose one.
Let’s go.
It’s time to feel better, dear warrior.
You matter to me.
-Show notes for this episode can be found at
-If you liked this episode and you want more Susie, sign up for my weekly WELLNESS newsletter so you don’t miss a single week of fun and freebies.
-Continue with the conversation over in our Private Facebook community of women just like you

Stop Giving A Sh*t About What Others Think

Stop Giving A Sh*t About What Others Think

Why do we care so much what others think of us?
And how do we stop giving a sh*t?
I’m excited to share two fundamental ways that have helped me stop giving a sh*t what other think so I could live a life that felt good to me! One without regret or guilt. One that feels as good on the inside as it looks on the outside.
Let’s go warriors!
Magical things happen when you stop giving a sh*t about what others think.
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You matter to me.