We waste a lot of time getting distracted from our most helpful path in life. Thinking we need to do what others want us to do or focusing too much on our weaknesses instead of strengthening our strengths. We waste a lot of time avoiding our life in our thoughts and in our actions. We think up excuses of why things are as they are. Then we take action that isn’t most aligned for us. Looking on Facebook, drinking, organizing our desk, you name it. We do these things instead of pausing to evaluate where we are and making a plan for moving forward.

don't waste any more time, distractions, goals, midlife

Stop wasting time

This week let’s stop wasting time. Grab a pen and paper and listen in to week’s podcast episode. I discuss and explain the 10 areas below so that you can evaluate where you are now and determine how best to move forward.

A life full of regrets occurs when we live our days on automatic pilot. We get to the end of a week, a year, a decade wondering, what the heck just happened? Listen in and that won’t happen to you this year!

Get out your pen and rate yourself 1-10 on these different ten areas of your life. 1 is at the low end of awfulness and 10 is at the high end of awesomeness. The areas were inspired by the great Chalene Johnson and a goal setting system that she uses.


The 10 areas of your life:

Your rating of 1-10 is based onย your level of satisfaction with your level of effort in this area.

  1. Physical health
  2. Mental health
  3. Physical environment
  4. Soul care and JOY
  5. Romantic relationship
  6. Friends and family relationshipsย 
  7. Purpose
  8. Finances
  9. Spirituality
  10. Growth + Awesomeness

How well are you doing in these different areas? Remember, listen in to the podcast for the best experience and understanding.ย 

A low score is a gentle nudge of identifying an area that you know that you have room for improvement. How does it make you feel? Is there room for improvement? How do you feel about your investment decisions? Your relationships? Your health?

Are you living in alignment with your values? How would you like your life to be different this time next month? Next year? Start now, dear warrior. Don’t wait.ย 

If you liked this episode and you want more Susie, sign up for the weekly wellness newsletter full of more awesome tips and tools to help YOU! www.SMBwell.com/newsletter


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