What does good inside mean? How does learning about good inside affect my parenting, marriage, and even self confidence? It does!

I am so excited to share today’s episode with you as it is a belief that has the potential to change all of our relationships. It is something I help you set up in my parenting teens program and something I assist clients with in our membership.

Good inside is quite simple actually: it’s the belief that we are all good inside. Yet, similar with the concept on unconditional love, it may sound simple but is not easy. Mainly because, if you’ve been raised in many of the developing countries, we’ve been taught the exact opposite. That we’re not good inside. That we need to look to others to determine what’s right. Further, that when left to our own devices, we may choose poorly.

Good Inside Relationships

Today we will look at how the belief that we’re all good inside plays into our fundamental relationships. The relationship we have with our children, with our spouse or partner, and the relationship we have with ourselves. Similar to unconditional love, choosing to practice this belief has the potential to leave you feeling a whole lot better about life and the relationships you’re in. Part of my mission here on the Love Your Life Show and as an empowerment coach for women. Let’s go!

Listen in to learn:

  • How believing you’re good enough impacts your marriage, your parenting, your friendships and your work
  • Why believing others are good inside impacts your reactions and responses to them
  • How learning about the good inside mindset helps heal shame
  • How we may be relating or parenting with the unintentional belief that others are not good inside.

Good Inside Journaling Questions

  • In which of your relationships do you feel stress?
  • When you get reactive in relationships (fight, flight, freeze or fix) what are you thinking about?
  • What is the thought or belief that’s driving your reactive behavior?
  • When is the last time you yelled or got in an argument?
  • Think of the last time you felt frustrated or annoyed? That could be a sign your reactive behavior is of the flight or freeze variety. You shove down your emotion with food, wine, shopping, work, oh geez, a whole variety of things. What was going on when you felt annoyed or frustrated?Ā 
  • When are you critical of yourself?
  • Say you make a mistake (which we all do!). What does the voice in your head say?
  • How about when others in your life make a mistake, what does the voice in your head say?

Listen to the Full Good Inside Episode Here

Resources Mentioned

The Podcast Roadmap

The podcast episode on MANUALS

Parenting Teens Online Survival Course

Monthly Membership for Warrior Women

PSĀ how to help your teen, anxious teen, anxious tween, anxious kids

PS While I coach and teach on the GOOD INSIDE belief, Dr. Becky Kennedy is the true master. Please pick up her phenomenal book here (not released at the time of my podcast recording) and follow her on Instagram. She is such an inspiration!