How To Age Well with Aunt Patricia

My Great Aunt Patricia inspiredย today’sย episode on aging well. She is the epitome of healthy livingย and,ย ifย Iโ€™mย lucky,ย Iโ€™llย be as mentally and well as she is whenย Iโ€™mย her age.ย 

She is such an inspiration. I wanted to dedicate a whole episode and blog post to two thingsย that I seeย influencing her healthy living. We can learn from theย awesomeย Aunt Patricia.ย 

These two pieces are her mindset and her habits.ย 

Victim or Victor

When you think of the things that have happened and are happening in your life, how do you see yourself?ย Do you see yourself as the victim or the victor?ย I encourage you to think of yourself as the victor. I encourage you to think of yourself as the victor.ย Listenย into the episode to hearย specific examples of how my 95-year-old Great Aunt does this.ย Also,ย listen to this podcast episode . You willย learn of an exercise you can do to see how your past is affecting your present health and wellness.ย 

We must realize two things:ย 

  1. How we view our past is a choice
  2. How we view our past and present affects all aspects of our wellness.

In the episode, I cite an impactful study by JAMA (linked here). It shows howย the wayย we think impacts our life expectancy and death by all causes.ย 

Listen into the episode to hear how this shows up in my Great Auntย Patricia’sย thinking patterns.

As my coach, Brookeย Castilloย says:ย โ€œOur greatest problem is thinking weย shouldnโ€™tย have any problems.โ€

3 Parts Of Joyful Living

3ย importantย factors come into play when we think of the eventsย that happenย in our lives. They are:ย 

  • How we think of the events before they happen,ย 
  • What we are thinking about as the event is happening and
  • How we reflect on the events after they happen.

As a coach, I knowย it isย importantย to lookย at our thinking patterns for all three of these pieces.ย I noticed that Aunt Pat was deliberate about thinking about the first piece. Further, she was doing it in a way that Positive Psychology refers to as theย Best Case Scenario. She spends a lot of time positive thinking.

Thisย is an upbeat thinking practice. It calms the nervous system and helps us raise our happiness set point. Listen into the episode to hear specific examples of how she practices this so you canย too.ย 

Whatโ€™sย interesting is that most of us do the opposite. We do what Brene Brown callsย โ€œdress rehearse tragedyโ€.ย We spend time thinking of all the things that could go wrong and how we will feel when they do.ย 

Do you do this?ย Itโ€™sย natural because our brain has a negative bias. Yet,ย itโ€™sย not helpful for our mood or longevity.ย Be on the lookout for how and what you think about the things thatย are going toย happen in your life.ย Thisย would be a fun place to start a new habit. My mottoย isย โ€œHow would Aunt Pat think about this?โ€ย Feel free to borrow that, lol!

Daily Happiness Habits

Did you knowย thatย there are things we can doย daily so we canย be more of a happy person?ย These things are proven to raise our happiness set point. How do I know? I studied them and taught them and saw if happening every day in my office.ย 

Iโ€™mย so inspired by Aunt Pat.ย Iโ€™veย decided to run my most popular program, the Happiness Habits Course,ย live starting next week. This stuff isย important. Many people eitherย donโ€™tย know the simple shifts to make. Or they know what to do butย donโ€™tย have the accountability needed that I provide in this 5-week program to help you.ย 

If you want to have a more happy way of thinking in theย world;ย this program provides everything you needย for it.ย Even thoughย itsย regular price is a great deal. I’mย seizing the day and my inspiration and offering it for HALF OFF if you use the coupon code PAT.ย 

Go toยย and use the code PAT to feel happier and live longer and all the things! Yes, please.

The world needs more Aunt Pat energy.
