How to Meditate if You Have No Time

Listen to todayโ€™s episode as we learn how to meditate. I am quite sure you have heard of the research studies and the experts speak on the benefits of meditating. Study after study shows that meditating has great benefits for both our physical and our mental health. And yet, when we check in to see how many of us are actually meditating on a daily basis, what is needed to get those benefits, the number is very low.

Which is why today I want to help you learn how to meditate so that you actually do it. Letโ€™s learn how to meditate so we can actually see the benefits, okay?


Why donโ€™t we meditate?

To look at how we can start doing something thatโ€™s beneficial to us like meditating, coaches like to look at why weโ€™re not doing the thing.ย  Well I can tell you first hand why I wasnโ€™t doing it. I was busy! My life, probably like yours, is quite full! There are carpools to drive, groceries to buy, to do lists to complete, laundry to wash, closets to clean, bodies to stretch, and on and on. There was a whole list of things on my list of things to do before โ€œsit and be stillโ€.ย 

And if somehow the stars aligned and my lists were finished, there were still many things on my list of things to do before meditating. Like all the other things Iโ€™m told I โ€œshouldโ€ be doing: eating more produce, journaling, strength training, learning about hormone replacement therapy, drinking more water, stretchingโ€ฆ oh and meditating!


Why Choose to Meditate

What I would like for you to do today is to move meditating to another category. Yes it is something that will help us similar to stretching and journaling and all of that yet, itโ€™s also one of those ninja warrior tools that acts like a linchpin. That thing that when you do it, everything else gets easier.ย 

Yes to doing all of those other things that we measure in my free life auditย and yet, today Iโ€™m encouraging you to move meditating to the top of the list.


Stop Letting Yourself Down

There are many many things in life that, if we do them, they can help us in some way. Iโ€™m sure you can think of a long list. Iโ€™ve already mentioned a lot of them. And yet, if youโ€™re like most humans, we often donโ€™t follow through and do the things we want to do.ย 

Our human brain is unique in that, in the same head we can know that something is beneficial for us and in the same head, can talk ourselves out of it. We may go to bed thinking โ€œIโ€™m going to get on the exercise bike when my alarm goes off tomorrowโ€ and when the alarm goes off part of our head is like, โ€œnowโ€™s the timeโ€ and the other part is talking us into hitting snooze.ย 

The beauty of meditating is that itโ€™s a double tool. Yes it has benefits for our health similar to some of the other things weโ€™ve mentioned. Yet the big time bonus is that in practicing it, it makes the muscle of our adult brain stronger and our excuse, talk-you-out-of-it brain weaker.ย 

When we meditate, we not only get the benefits of meditating, we also get better at following through with all the other things. It is the little engine that could. The warrior skill, that when we do this one thing, it makes everything else easier.


Rewire Your Brain with Meditation

Meditating is like going to the gym so that the part of our brain that wants to follow through gets stronger. It literally rewires our brain. If you havenโ€™t listened to the adult brain episode, grab the podcast roadmap here to make your life easier.ย Listening to those episodes will help you tremendously.ย  We waste a lot of time thinking thereโ€™s something wrong with us or that we donโ€™t have enough will power or motivation or inspiration. When in reality, itโ€™s simply the fact that we werenโ€™t taught basic brain functioning in school. We havenโ€™t been taught how to use the super computer in our heads and waste a lot of time. Grab the roadmap and shorten the learning curve today.ย 


Why Busy People Should Meditate

Letโ€™s look at why someone like you would want to meditate. My typical warrior listener has a lot of dreams, aspirations and responsibilities. Her life is full and may think, โ€œI donโ€™t have time for one more thingโ€, certainly not sitting still and doing nothing!

Boy do I understand!

I was that woman.ย 

In fact, I still have many of those thoughts.

And yet, I have the answers.ย 


Listen in to the episode to learn:

  • Why should busy women meditate?ย 
  • How itโ€™s not one more thing to add to your to do list
  • Why meditating makes your life easier,
  • How meditation helped Susie stop yellingย 
  • Why Susie continues to meditate and why she really hopes you do too,
  • And much more

Learn the three steps to practice the kind of meditation that Life Coach Susie thinks would be most helpful for you and how to get started. Letโ€™s go warrior! Iโ€™m cheering for you! In fact, please choose to get started today and then let me know about it. Email me or dm me on Instagram.

Top Australian Life Coach Podcast

And PS: Guess which show is ranked the TOP THREE in the BEST AUSTRALIAN LIFE COACH Category! If you’ve left a review or support me on Patreon, you have helped make this happen. THANK YOU!


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