Manifest Your Future

This week I give you the beginning tools to manifest your future. The truth is, we already do manifest our future. Yet, what I want you to do is to manifest your future deliberately. I find that most of us spend far too little time thinking of our future in a way that’s helpful to us.

In reality, many of us spend time thinking of the future but be spend time thinking of a future we don’t want. Does this sound familiar? Do you spend time worrying or feeling anxious about things that may happen (that you don’t want to happen)? I get it. Worrying and feeling anxious are things our society sets up for so please don’t feel shame. Rather, today, we will bring some attention to how you’re thinking about your future so that you can manifest the future you want, versus one you don’t want. Sound good?

Choose Deliberately to to Manifest Your Future

Our human brain is wired to rinse and repeat. It is easier for us to repeat something from yesterday than to choose something new for today. Which is why, many of us get to the end of a week, a season, a year, and feel like we just lived the same day over and over on repeat. Today on the Love Your Life Show, I give you the tools to step out of that brain patterning. manifest your future, best year, what are you tolerating, midlife coach

Today I invite you to step out of the regular patterning and habits of your life to pause and get deliberate. The things you’re doing today will create the results you see in one month, six months, six years. Let’s make sure we are choosing our actions and habits deliberately.ย 

One of my magic skills is helping people slow down the fast pace of their life to witness the life they’re actually creating for themselves. I help people see things more simply so they can live lives they love. Does that sound good? I hope so. Listen to the episode now!

Listen in to Learn:

Tune in to this week’s episode to learn:

  • The importance of what we think about our future
  • How viewing our life like a treadmill is helpful
  • What the Future Store is,
  • How to manifest your future,
  • Why it’s important to pay attention to your thoughts,
  • Bankrupt in the basement to Breakfast in Bali,
  • My top takeaway for this episode,
  • And much more,

Resources Mentioned:

Sign up for the WAITLIST for the LOVE YOUR LIFE SCHOOL

The Online Parenting Teens Course: Learn how to not only enjoy this time with your kids at home, but also how to raise less anxious, more resilient kids

Warrior Homework:

Here are the questions for reflection to begin to manifest your future:

  • How far in the future do you generally look?
  • What’s my dream life, 3 years from now?
  • When my kids go to college/preschool/move out, what will my ideal life look like? How will I spend my days?
  • What do you want to be different one year from now?
  • If you could live anywhere and in any kind of house, where would you live and what would your house be like?
  • When you think of your dream day, what does that look like for you, from start to finish?
  • What do you have now in your life that you don’t want?
  • How would you like your physical fitness to be in the future?
  • What do you want your future eating or drinking habits to be?
  • How do you want to feel in your relationships? With your partner, your kids, your parents, etc?
  • If you were able to travel anywhere, where would you go and with who?
  • What do you visualize for retirement? How do you want to feel? What will you do?

I encourage you to answer these questions with kindness and a lightness of thinking. If you feel stressed or pressure, reach out to me. That’s a sign your thinking needs a slight upgrade and that’s what I can help with.

Let’s go for it warriors! The future is in your hands. manifest your futrue