The Life List with Kate Christie

What is a life list? And why should you have one? We have an expert on the show to answer these questions and more for us. Kate Christie is Australiaโ€™s top time management expert. Her clients include BUPA, Westpac, Specsavers, Lโ€™Oreal, Women in International Security, the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and The European Union!

Kate Christie is widely regarded for her dynamic, engaging and motivational presentations where she inspires audiences with the right strategies and habits to find, harness and better use โ€˜timeโ€™. She is a best-selling author of 5 books and has been invited to speak to audiences around the world. Today she is on the Love Your Life Show to talk about how a life list can help you live your best life.ย 

Kateโ€™s 5th book is called: โ€˜The Life List: Master Every Moment and Live an Audacious Lifeโ€™. It is a call to action for women who want more. Women who are thriving professionally, are successful, full of life and who want to be challenged to design and live life on their terms and in a big, beautiful and spectacular way.

Listen to Learn

Above all, I loved this conversation with Kate Christie and am quite sure you will too. Listen in to learn:

  • The importance of being selfish as women
  • How to design your life list
  • The challenging circumstances that led Kate to depart from her usual timeย managementย books to write this book
  • Which three questions help you feel less busy
  • How to think of values in a slightly different way that Iย foundย very helpful
  • The importance of a cheer squad
  • and much more!

In addition, listen for is our discussion of my new favorite word. If you figure out what it is, share it below in the comments. I may have my next word of the year!ย 

No You’re Not Too Busy

Finally, I really appreciated how in this conversation, Kate addresses not only they importance of making a list but also how to fit it in in our busy lives. As you will hear, she is not someone who’s talking the talk but not walking the walk. She has three kids, a full time job, financial pressures, and lots of other responsibilities. I’ve talked a lot on this show about the importance of prioritizing your care and your needs. Kate reinforces how important this is, midlife and beyond.ย 


Find Kate and Make your Life List Here