My Kid Is Moving On!

No fear mama, here’s your survival guide. If you have a kid leaving for college (or even heading to kindergarten or preschool), you are going to be full of big and often conflicting emotions. Your logical mind can tell you that everything is โ€œfineโ€; that your child is supposed to be going to college or kindergarten; that this is actually a magnificent opportunity. Yet, your emotional mind will probably be in a completely different place full of fear, sadness, regret, guilt, worry, you name it. This inner conflict may make you feel like crying with joy in one moment and crying in angst in the next. Iโ€™m here to tell you that youโ€™re not losing your mind.

Your Experience is Normal and to Be Expected.ย 

You have poured your heart and soul into this little being (whoโ€™s not so little anymore) and itโ€™s time for them to step out in some way. Of course this is scary. Your child is starting a new chapter that doesnโ€™t revolve around you. Of course youโ€™re going to feel some strong emotions. You might feel sad, excited, lonely, proud, worried, apprehensive, guilty, regret, griefโ€ฆ Might some of these be difficult to feel? Yes. Has something gone wrong? No. Are all of these easy feelings to feel? No. However,ย feel them we must.

I am in the business Iโ€™m in to help teach people how to FEEL their feelings instead of running from them. Why? Resisting our emotions is where suffering happens. We are afraid that if we allow ourselves to feel the sadness or loneliness that weโ€™ll go down a deep dark hole and not be able to climb out. The opposite is true. When we run from or resist emotions they become bigger and more problematic in our life. This is when worry turns to anxiety, resentment turns to rage, disappointment turns to despair.ย 

While not all emotions feel pleasant, when you allow yourself to feel your feelings, the feeling will pass. Emotions are an energy in your body. They are an energy that needs to be processed and passed. You might cry. You might rage. You might feel pretty crappy as you ride the wave of emotion, but it will pass. It is only when we suppress our emotions that we run into trouble. Allowing unprocessed energy to build up in our system leads to high levels of stress which leads to diagnoses of shingles, autoimmune disorders, high blood pressure, cancer. Disease is an external sign of an internal body in dis-ease. Allow your emotions to move through you instead of stopping the flow.ย 

How To Send Your Child To School and Survive?

Process through these emotions. How? There are many tools (journaling, meditating, working with a coach, etc) but they all follow this same path:

1) Name It:ย 

Name your feeling. Name your emotion. A feeling is one word. Here is a listย of some of them. Put a word to what youโ€™re feeling to begin the process.ย 

2) Describe It:ย 

What does your feeling feel like? Feelings are energy in motion and are physical sensations in your body. Where do you feel it in your body? Does it feel hot or cold? Sharp or soft? Do you feel short of breath? Nauseous? The more specific you get the better.ย 

3) Allow It.

Keep your mind on the physical feeling. Breathe. The feeling will pass, usually within 90 seconds. Stronger emotions are less comfortable to feel but donโ€™t jump off the wave mid-stream. You can handle any emotion or feeling that comes your way.ย 

4) Write It Out:

When we are in the state of busy and move move move, we donโ€™t realize which thoughts weโ€™re choosing to focus on. This is dangerous as the thoughts we focus on create the feelings we feel. Part of being an emotional adult is learning to manage your mind. How do you want to feel about this? Set a timer for 5 minutes and dump your thoughts out of your head on to paper or a computer screen. You have more than 60,000 thoughts a day and if you donโ€™t pay attention to them they run the show. Dump them out onto paper to see which thoughts youโ€™re focusing on. Those thoughts are creating the feelings youโ€™re feeling. Taking just 5 minutes to answer the questions: โ€œWhat am I thinking?โ€ or โ€œWhat am I feeling?โ€ will significantly help you.ย If you want to keep feeling the way youโ€™re feeling, keep thinking the thoughts youโ€™re thinking. #mindfulliving #intentionalliving Share on Xย ย 

Now Do It.ย 

I hear from so many people who want to feel better. Warriors, I’m sorry to report that feeling better doesnโ€™t just happen. We must do something. This is that something. Sit. Write. See where your mind goes. You are not your mind. Look at your thoughts with curiosity โ€œIsnโ€™t that interesting I think thatโ€ and keep writing. Do you feel sadness in your body? Where? What does it feel like? Do you feel lonely? Get super descriptive. Emotions are energy and by describing how the actual emotion feels you allow it to move through you. Feel it and breathe. Youโ€™re getting there mama.

Each of these steps is equally important yet in my experience, people tend to skip steps 3 and 4 and choose instead to resist the emotion. How do we resist? We all have our personal favorites. Some of us resist feeling our emotions by getting really busy, filling our life so full we donโ€™t have time to notice whatโ€™s going on. Some of us eat to shove the emotion down instead of feeling it. Some of us drink or shop or clean to numb out. Others use Netflix, Facebook, or get over-involved in our kidsโ€™ lives. As a whole, we spend an awful lot of time and energy avoiding our feelings. I am here to assure you that itโ€™s actually easier to feel the darn things than to spend all this time avoiding them.

Bye Bye Emotions?

Does this 4-step process make the emotion go away forever? No. Thatโ€™s not the point of life. Youโ€™re here on earth to feel big emotions. What does this process do? It allows you to not eat, shop, yell, or drink your emotions. It lessens the emotion in that moment and allows you to feel, breathe, and move on in your day like the powerful woman you are. It allows you to show up in your life fully alive instead of resentful, nervous, and with your brain in 4 different directions.ย 

I went through the first 30+ years of my life dulling and numbing my emotions: with food, exercise, busy-ness, you name it. There was a piece of me that was afraid to feel my feelings as I thought Iโ€™d end up on the bathroom floor sobbing and unable to get up; believing that if I allow myself to feel the sad, Iโ€™d enter into some deep dark hole I couldnโ€™t escape from. Itโ€™s actually the opposite. Depression is the suppression of emotions so landing in that dark hole or on the floor comes from resisting our emotions instead of feeling them. Please join me as I now choose to be awake and to experience the life that Iโ€™ve created. I no longer choose to bypass feeling my difficult emotions. I choose to live a full and vibrant life and because of that, I am going to feel a full and vibrant array of emotions. I embrace my tears as I embrace my laughs โ€“ both add a dimension and fullness to my life that are part of my experience here on earth.

You’re Not Alone

Last reminder, dear parents: anything youโ€™re feeling as your child moves into a new stage is fine. Depending on which thought youโ€™re focusing on you will feel something. You may feel sad, happy, lonely, heartbroken, worried, or full of pride. All of those are fine. What wouldnโ€™t be fine is to not feel or to tell yourself to stop feeling what youโ€™re feeling.ย 

Itโ€™s also not okay to sit and wallow. Do the work. Set a timer and begin to process these strong emotions in a kind and compassionate way. Itโ€™s not okay to be mean to your inner warrior by telling yourself to get over it or to move on. That only leads you to drama and destructive behaviors. Feel. Cry. Laugh. Do what you need to do but mostly? Treat yourself kindly and with compassion. Iโ€™m here for you warrior.



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