Mom Rage

Mom Rage

Have you heard of the term mom rage?
Well, I’ve felt it and know that some of my darkest mom guilt moments come after experiencing (and unfortunately acting upon) my mom rage.
Listen in to learn more about the cycle with guilt, shame and rage that not only is happening, but is fixable.
The first is for us to stop hiding that it exists.
As Brene Brown says: Shame loves secrecy.
We don’t make lasting change from shame.
So listen in and let’s start talking about it.
Talking about it doesn’t make it more prevalent.
In fact, research shows the opposite is true.
Normalizing the feeling state of mom rage and talking about it makes it more likely that the women experiencing it learn the tools (like we talk about on this episode) to start interrupting the cycle.
Whether you’re a mom or not, please listen and then share this episode with at least one other person. This is important legacy work.

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Good Inside

Good Inside

In a relationship? Marriage? Are you a parent? Do you have a parent?
This episode is for you!

Listen in to learn how this simple mindset shift of good inside can change how you feel about your children, your partners and your self!

Get the journaling questions and all links mentioned here:


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Can you have Boundaries and Unconditional Love?

Can you have Boundaries and Unconditional Love?

Unconditional love means you love them no matter what, no matter what they do, no matter what they say, no matter how they act, right?
Uh yes but….
And that’s a BIG BUT!
I am a huge supporter of unconditional love (as I went over in last week’s podcast). Mainly because you’re the one who gets to feel the love! Them move you love, the more you feel loving. I’m all for that.
What I’m not for is being a doormat which is where I see many get confused that unconditional love means having no boundaries.
Oh no warriors! As a boundary expert,I know the tips that help you NOT BE A DOORMAT!
Listen in!

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Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Psst….do you ever feel irritated or annoyed in your relationships?
Can I get an AMEN?!
I can get annoyed at my kids, my husband, my siblings, my neighbors, heck, I can even get annoyed by random people in the gym.
Good news is, there’s something we can do that significantly helps us FEEL LESS ANNOYED!! I’m proof! I swear warriors, I went through a big part of my life being annoyed or irritated at lots of people – yep, me! Susie Sunshine! lol!
I can’t wait for you to listen in!

Hey, could you do a small business owner a favor? Could you pretty pretty pretty please share this podcast episode with one person who you care for?

⭐️Show Notes Here:

⭐️For the price of a coffee, Support Susie and the Love Your Life Show:

⭐️Have a preteen? Learn the basics to support your changing child here:

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Gap versus Gain Thinking

Gap versus Gain Thinking

Are you a goal setter?
Do you like setting intentions or goals for your day, week or year?
If you’re a frequent listener of the Love Your Life Show, I’ll bet you do.
Which is why I’m super excited to bring this concept that I first heard of from business coach Dan Sullivan and author, Ben Hardy.
Don’t run away though – this concept is one I use in my everyday life, as a mom, a wife, a high achieving woman, to feel more life satisfaction. Listen in because it works!!!

⭐️Are we friends on Instagram? Let’s catch up!

⭐️Show Notes Here:

⭐️For the price of a coffee, Support Susie and the Love Your Life Show:

⭐️Join the greatest community for women over 40 here:

⭐️Do you get my weekly Wednesday email? Come join the fun!

⭐️Grab some of my favorite products here:

⭐️Have a kid between the ages of 10-25? Learn the basics to support your changing child here:

⭐️Want a life coach? I’d be honored to be yours!