Our Past & Our Parenting

Our Past & Our Parenting

You can only do as well as the knowledge and the tools that you have. When we know better, we do better. And so….let’s learn and grow! We are the adults. We brought our child into this world and it is our responsibility to learn the tools and knowledge so as to best parent these innocent beings.

You do You

You do You

You do You You are responsible for how you feel. You are responsible for what you’re thinking. YOU are responsible for the health and strength of the relationships in your life. It is the day after Valentine’s Day 2017 and, for many, this is an emotional day:...
Relationship Measure: Do you Fight or do you Argue?

Relationship Measure: Do you Fight or do you Argue?

Relationships without fighting? Absolutely. Without arguing? No way! What’s the difference you ask? Two things: The Process: How is it done? When arguing, you come together to discuss a disagreement. You listen to your partner. You explain your point of view and...