Hack Your Brain To Do What You Want To Do

Hack Your Brain To Do What You Want To Do

Why don’t we do what we want to do?
Finish what we start?
Keep our word to ourself?
Listen in to learn why putting in the effort to form daily habits will have long term benefits.
Bonus is I share my two favorite habit forming tools!
Double bonus? If you’re reading this real time, my habit forming program is open for enrollment. Hurry over to enroll as you don’t want to miss this: www.smbwell.com/bestself
Show notes and books mentioned can be found in the show notes at www.smbwell.com/83

Life Lesson from the Beach

Life Lesson from the Beach

Whenever I’m on vacation, I find myself reflecting on where I am, where I’ve been and where I’m going.
This visit was no different and one day found myself openly sobbing on the beach while lifting my arms in the air in gratitude and praise.
I got out my phone and recorded this podcast.
Please pop this quick episode in your ears and join me in reflecting on the beach.
And, if you are feeling a bit off course, let me help. If you’re listening in realtime, my FINDING JOY IN EVERYDAY LIFE program is open now.
We are given this one, precious life.
Don’t stop dreaming of what’s possible for you in yours.
Let’s go. 
Sign up today.

Massive Action

Massive Action

The difference between people who achieve their goals and those that quit lies in something called massive action.
This concept has changed how I view most aspects of my life: my work, my relationship with my kids, my relationship with my spouse, my health, my finances…you name it.
Listen in as I explain what massive action is and how understanding it will help you.
Show notes and book’s mentioned can be found at www.SMBwell.com/78
We continue this conversation and take the concept deeper in our private facebook community. We’d love to have you join in! facebook.com/groups/smbwell
And if you don’t yet get my weekly email full of free tips and resources, what are you waiting for? http://bit.ly/2gYQMlA

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyways

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyways

When I ask most people why they’re not doing what they want to be doing it comes down to fear.
Fear of what others will think;
Fear of our child or a loved one struggling;
Fear of failing;
Fear of the unknown;
Fear of missing out.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. I get it. Yet…
I encourage you to see fear as a sign that you’re on the right path. To open your mind to see that pain is a precursor to growth. Our muscles literally tear apart in order to grow. After you push through a challenging workout, how do you feel? Strong. Confident. Proud. The same thing happens emotionally. After we allow our painful feeling and learn from it, how do we feel afterwards? Like a badass. Like a warrior. Like a stronger, more evolved version of you!
The path of the warrior is to shift from avoiding fear to viewing it as your teacher. Listen in as I help give you tools to feel the fear and do it anyways.
Show notes for this episode can be found at https://www.smbwell.com/59
Continue this conversation over in our Private Facebook community of women just like you facebook.com/groups/smbwell
If you liked this episode and you want to work with Susie, her Online Mindfulness Program is a great place to start: http://bit.ly/10daymindfulness
Follow Susie + get daily bursts of Susie sunshine at https://www.instagram.com/4smbwellness/

5 Easy Ways to Tidy Up

5 Easy Ways to Tidy Up

It’s time! Time to Tidy Up! Time to get rid of the clutter that’s weighing you down. This week I have 5 easy ways to tidy up in your life. I urge you to choose one area and get started today. External clutter creates added stress and overwhelm in our life.