Raising Emotionally Empowered Kids

Raising Emotionally Empowered Kids

Feeling our emotions without reacting to them can be terrifying but it gets easier with practice. When we remind ourselves that feelings are like waves, they come and they go, we gain power.

Love Yourself

Love Yourself

Speaking negatively to ourselves holds us back, keeps us “playing small”, and restricts us from being who we’re meant to be in this world. Start treating yourself as you would your best friend. It’s time, warriors. Time to fall in love with yourself.

Holidays Without the B.S. (blaming + shoulding)

Holidays Without the B.S. (blaming + shoulding)

When you feel as if you are not in control of your life, you feel out of control emotionally. Rather, when you remind yourself that everything in your life is a choice, you step back into your adult panties. You choose if you go to the party or not. You choose whether you make cookies or not. You choose whether to send out holiday cards or not. 

2 Questions to Change Your Life

2 Questions to Change Your Life

You are in charge of creating your life. There is no knight in shining armor. No one is coming to save you. No one is coming to fix things. You are the adult in your life and you are responsible for your experience here on earth.