The One Thing Stopping You

The one thing stopping you from that life you want to be living is, well I hate to say it, but your own brain. Truly. I know I may get push back about circumstances and situations yet it’s just not true. There are so many stories of people persevering through the worst circumstances we can imagine. In fact, those are some of the most uplifting and inspiring stories. We feel most inspired and uplifted when we hear about others rising despite their surroundings. And yet, our human brain likes us to think their experience is the exception to the rule. That they are different than us and so that level of success and life satisfaction isn’t possible for us.

This week, I pull back the curtain on my own experience with trauma and tragedy to illustrate that this is not at all the case. Rather, the one thing stopping you, stopping all of us, from living a life we love is our thoughts about that future potential life. This week on the show I share some uncomfortable circumstances from my past life in order to expand our lens of possibility a bit. The human brain won’t believe something is possible for us if we don’t see others we relate to doing things we thought were impossible. Part of my mission is to be a vision of what is possible. To expand that lens of possibility for you and others.ย 

Why Share? Susie Pettit, the one thing stopping you, midlife women

I choose to share my dark moments and vulnerabilities so that you see me as human, fallible, like you. We are all doing our best here. And in doing our best, sometimes we settle in relationships. Sometimes we allow people to speak meanly to us. We may act dishonestly or people please. I raise my hand to it all.

Join me on the show today as I share a bit more about who I am and which obstacles I’ve crawled over. We are on this journey together and the one thing stopping you is believing you’re different or in listening to others who tell you, you dream too big or want too much.ย 

All Options are Available for You.ย 

Just 10 short years ago, my reality was quite different. Rewind 10 years and visualize a scared, 41 year old, financially bankrupt woman, living in the unfinished basement of the home where she raised 3 kids, trying desperately to divorce from a man she had been married to for 19 years, in a state that considered her property of that man, with her own mother and father pledging to do whatever was needed to convince her to stay in an unfulfilling, sad marriage. This is not a story from the 70s or from some rural town without cell coverage. This happened in this century to a highly educated woman in one of the most advanced cities in the world.

My story is not unique. Unfortunately I see far too many women and men settle for “good enough”. We let our mind and the voices of those around us determine what is possible for us. We don’t know what we don’t know. Today, I paint a different way. Thank you for listening.

It would mean a lot to me if you could share this episode with one other person. While you or that person may not have the family situation I had or the marriage I had, most of us are letting our brain and unquestioned thoughts run our life. Limit our life. Hold us back from our biggest and best life. Spread joy and positivity and hope this year and share this episode with someone you care about.


Links Mentioned Here

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