Beat Burnout Now

If you’re anything like most right now, then you’re feeling burnout big time right now. And you want to beat burnout now. I get it. Chances are you are:

  • The one who’s always helping others,
  • The one who sees the pain in the world and feels responsible to do her part,
  • The one who has at least one self help book on her bedside table or podcast to listen to on her phone,
  • The one who’s always thinking of what others are needing or wanting and stepping in,
  • The one who feels an ache when others are in need, and thus….
  • The one who gets into bed exhausted; slayed; spent

Permission Slip to Pausepermission to pause

Today, I offer you permission to pause. Permission to take a break. In order to beat burnout now, we have to draw a line in the sand to say “enough”.ย ย 

If you’re thinking: “Why?” or “I can’t”. I’m here to implore you to keep reading and then to download and listen to this week’s podcast episode.ย 

We Need you

Truthfully. It is because you are the one that’s making a difference that it’s super crucial for you to slow down. To not get burnout. (Or, if you’re feeling it already, to beat burnout now!)ย You are the one who is taking the actions to save the world.ย You are the one that is helping the needy.ย You are the one that is filling the void.ย And if you don’t slow down a bit, you’re going to burn out (if you aren’t there already)

There will always be more to do

There will alway be more to do. There will always be more to learn.ย There will alway be more ways to help.ย There will always be opportunities for growth.

Yet when we are constantly striving, stretching and growing, we are constantly feeling stressed, busy, frantic…. and, as a result, feel like what we’re doing isn’t enough.

That’s not how I want you to feel.

Moreover, “it” will never be all done and you matter to me.

We need you and your energy here.

And so today, I offer this podcast episode as a pause. A hug from me to you. Listen in and then report back. Will you make time to do the two small things I mention? I double pinky promise they work. They will help you beat burnout now.ย 

Our life is happening now.ย 

Our inner feeling of contentment isn’t achieved with a new shiny object, a number on the scale, a number on the bank account, or our child getting into the ‘right” preschool, high school, or college. Drop the “I’ll be happy when….” or “Once _____happens, then I’ll be happy (or then I can take a break)”

Nope. That’s a surefire recipe for burnout and regret.

Consider this episode a hug for you from me. A moment to pause and reflect on some of the things that make you the awesome you that you are.

Two Ways to Push Pause

Since I am a coach and know that we can know things but unless we practice them we don’t make changes, here are two small actions to add into your daily life starting now. Two things you can do to practice the skill of enoughness. Two ways to beat burnout now. If you do them, you will feel better. Studies show. Promises kept. I know they work so am confident to put the Love you life show guarantee on the line. Here they are: one for the morning, one for the evening:

1) AM:

When you rise up into consciousness in the morning, whether that’s with an alarm or because your eyes open up, turn the corners of your mouth up into a smile and ask your brain “what’s going well” or, for the more cynical set, “what’s not going wrong”. Get your body up and moving with that question playing in your head. Task done. That’s it. Leave that question open in your mind for your brain to solve.

2) PM

At some point in the end of your day, do your GTPs. Some do it aloud at dinner, some do it while lying in bed with their partner or pet, the point is to do it. What’s gtp? Your grateful thankful prouds. Yes grateful and thankful are the same thing. Your proud is something you’re proud of yourself for. Your yay me. Build this muscle. Grow out of your britches. Shine your light.ย 

So there they are: Can you try these this week, dear one?ย Commitย in the comments. We are more than 90% more likely to do something if we tell someone we’ll do it. I can be your person. Life moves quickly if we let it. Push pause, commit. You’re important to me.

I’d love to work with you!

Remember, the antidote to helplessness and despair is action.

Do you have a coach? If not, I’d love to be yours. I help women like you everyday. Every day. The one regret they have? Is that they didn’t start working with me sooner. Check here to see if I have availability. I’d be honored to be by your side.

If you’d like to first dip your toe in, I get it (though I am not scary- promise!). Many women love this quick jump start: sign up for SMBโ€™s 10-Day Cleanse for Conscious Living.

And if your’e already a client of mine, hooray us. I love you!

Can you think of someone to send this episode to? Share the love? Help your loved ones and friends live a life they love? We are here to shine our light.

When one rises, we all rise. You are here for a reason and you matter to me. I can’t wait to support you. Xxxxx

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