Break the Burnout Cycle

Who wants to break the burnout cycle and feel less overwhelm this season? I know from many of us that the answer would be “of course!” but maybe we don’t believe it’s possible. This episode is for you! Not only do I know it’s possible, I did it while raising three sons as a single mom. If it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you too!


Making September Different: Realistic Goal Setting for Real Results

After all, this time of year can be one where we feel a wide range of emotions: part excitement, part trepidation. Us wonderful moms march into September with optimism, convinced this year will be different. We might draft up a house responsibility chart, set phone boundaries, set limits for our kids with regards to the amount of after school activities they commit to, etc, etc. In addition to these grand plans, we may plan weekly meetings with our partners to streamline schedules and meal preparation. Furthermore, we may even add personal goals! Things like daily exercise, balanced meals, and ample sleep. 


Slow Down for Bigger Change!

This is where we do ourselves and our families a disservice. Lasting behavior change comes about from small, consistent, sustainable daily actions. When we start too big, we burn out and veer off track.

If we want a September different than what we’ve had in the past, we have to do things differently.

Think of your past Septembers or Januarys or any other time of the year when we tend to draw a line in the sand, get sick of our situation, and think, okay, lets do things differently. As Einstein says, insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. So lets actually do things differently.


Stop Thinking It’s Your Fault!

Most of us women think that the reason our past plans didn’t work is because we weren’t strict enough with ourselves, or that we lacked in inspiration or motivation or something. We think that if only we had more will power or motivation or follow through, it would’ve worked.

Instead of amplifying our efforts with self-criticism and rigid discipline, we should embrace a new approach. Our past failures weren’t due to lack of strictness or motivation; rather, they stemmed from trying to manage everything at once, often ending up exhausted by the second week of September.


3 Steps to Flip the Paradigm and Break Burnout

Here’s what I do when I want to do something new. When I’d like to make a change in some aspect of my life, this three step process works really well for me. 

First: Know Your Starting Place

Firstly, I kindly and compassionately evaluate where I am now. What’s my starting place. I need to know where I’m starting from to know how to get started in where I want to go. You can do this two easy ways. One, set a timer and answer these questions:

  • What stresses you out? 
  • When do you feel irritated or frustrated? What’s going on around you?
  • Thinking back to the end of September last year, what did you feel like and why? Would you like anything to be different at the end of this September?
  • What are you currently doing that you’re trying not to notice? 

If you don’t like writing things out and reflecting, I have a great option for you too! Go take my quick online life audit. It’s only 15 questions and will give you a good idea of what you’re doing well and in which area of your life you could shine some TLC. Get that at

Two: Small, Daily Action

Once you know your starting point, you’re ready for step two to break the burnout cycle. Choose one small, daily action to foster change. I give a lot of specific examples in the podcast episode found here:

Three: Growth Mindset

Finally, to break the burnout cycle and feel less overwhelm, it’s critical that you adopt a mindset of focusing on gains rather than gaps. 

As we embark on new routines, things will inevitably go off the rails. Instead of beating yourself up, celebrate small wins. Our tendency as humans is to look at how we’re failing or what’s going wrong. That’s the wiring of our primitive brain and it’s time to evolve. Choose to focus on the gain and to practice a growth mindset. I have personal examples from my life in the podcast episode that I think will help you.


Next Steps:

When we are making changes to our house and our behavior, we make them faster if we have a coach. Listening to the podcast and reading posts like this are helpful. But for faster, life sustaining change, working with a professional is recommended. Especially by me. Your life, mental health and that of your family are too important to take the slow road. 

The Love Your Life School is open now. In fact, if you join now you not only get access to our September trainings where we tackle these three steps, you also will still be able to access August’s material which was all on goal setting and making a life list. I’d love to provide you with personalized coaching and a wealth of resources to help you thrive!

See you soon!


Resources Mentioned in this Episode

⭐️ 1% better

⭐️ Sucks and handle: Parenting Teens Class (How To Raise a Good Human)

⭐️ Gain vs Gap Episode

⭐️ How to Stop Over Functioning Episode


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⭐️ Ready for a life-changing experience? Check out the Love Your Life School and see if enrollment is open here

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⭐️ Have a child between the ages of 9-25? Learn the basics to support your changing child here