Anxiety and Parenting

Anxiety and Parenting

When I meet with parents, I hear two main things: how stressed or anxious they are about their child.
Well lucky us!
Listen in as I share my top two tools to help!
And don’t skip this just because you don’t have children. You are in relationships, whether with your own parents or with your spouse, friends, or coworkers. You don’t want to miss learning about these SMB fan fave tools!

Show notes at
Parenting Teens Survival Course at

Emotional Labor with Gemma Hartley

Emotional Labor with Gemma Hartley

Fed up?
Burnt out?
Feel like if you don’t ask, it will never get done?
Sick of doing it all?
Oh my warriors, have you ever heard of emotional labor?
Listen in to this week’s episode as I get to interview Gemma Hartley, the interview of the book: FED UP! Emotional Labor, Women and the Way Forward.

Listen in and then tell us what you think on instagram at or in the Warrior Women Facebook Community at
Show notes for this episode can be found at

Conscious Parenting and Compassionate Living

Conscious Parenting and Compassionate Living

This post is for anyone who has a parent.
Lol though not kidding.
If you’re a parent, even better.
If you’re in a relationship, platonic or romantic, even better!
Today let’s drop our defenses so that we can learn, love, and accept ourselves and those around us.
Here are two tools to become more conscious, compassionate and mindful in our parenting and in our living.

Anxiety and Parenting

Are You an Anxious Parent?

Trying to control our kids’ lives gives us an illusion of calm and feels good in the moment.
Plus it’s what everyone else is doing so until you learn how it impacts our kids, why would you choose to do differently? 
I’ll tell you why.
Because it actually doesn’t feel good for you or your kid.
We are under the illusion that if we let go of control everything will fall apart.
The irony is that we feel more out of control than ever.
Listen in as I share one of my favorite tools to help with this.
Show notes for this episode can be found at
Continue with the conversation over in our Private Facebook community of women just like you
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Raising Emotionally Empowered Kids

Raising Emotionally Empowered Kids

Feeling our emotions without reacting to them can be terrifying but it gets easier with practice. When we remind ourselves that feelings are like waves, they come and they go, we gain power.