Judgement of Women

Judgement of Women

Calling all of my women warriors.
It is time.
Time to stop this judgement of women.
Time to stop judging our female neighbors, friends, family members, or coworkers.
Better yet, I give you tools to take it one step further.
Further than talking the talk #womensupportingwomen or #smashpatriarchy.
Let’s actually do it.
Listen in!

And don’t forget to head to Instagram and let me know your ideas on supporting other women. Let’s brainstorm together so we can put an end to the judgement of women. https://www.instagram.com/smb.wellness/

FINDING JOY IN EVERYDAY LIFE PROGRAM open for the last time in 2021. Sign up now: https://www.SMBwell.com/bestlife
Shownotes and links mentioned can be found at www.smbwell.com/160

3 Practices to Stop People Pleasing

3 Practices to Stop People Pleasing

People pleasing isn’t nice.
It isn’t nice to you and it’s not nice to the other person.
We are lying to ourselves,. saying yes when we mean no and we are setting our relationships up for disconnect and pissiness (is that a word?!)
When I say yes in order to avoid conflict or because I want others to think I’m nice, I’m BSing myself and the other person.
My BS leads to the land of BS (bitter and sour).
I lived many years like this and so have the experience to lead you out of this.
To help you feel better.
About yourself and about your relationships.
Listen in as I give you the actual words to use so you can stop being a people deceiver.
Show notes are at www.smbwell.com/149
Want support on your journey? https://smb.as.me/
Follow Susie on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/smb.wellness/

Conscious Parenting and Compassionate Living

Conscious Parenting and Compassionate Living

This post is for anyone who has a parent.
Lol though not kidding.
If you’re a parent, even better.
If you’re in a relationship, platonic or romantic, even better!
Today let’s drop our defenses so that we can learn, love, and accept ourselves and those around us.
Here are two tools to become more conscious, compassionate and mindful in our parenting and in our living.

Top Ways to Ruin Relationships

Top Ways to Ruin Relationships

Here you go: The top ways to ruin your romantic relationship. Frankly, these ways can be applied to most any relationship. The irony is, we tend to be better behaved in our other relatksohips; more mindful of what we are doing and what comes out of our mouth. We are experts at adding drama to our intimate relationships and here are some ways we do that.

If you liked this episode and you want more Susie, sign up for the weekly wellness newsletter full of more awesome tips and tools to help YOU! www.SMBwell.com/newsletter

Continue with the conversation over in our Private Facebook community of women just like you https://facebook.com/groups/smbwell

On Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/smb.wellness/

You’re Not Broken

You’re Not Broken

You’re not broken
Did you need to hear that? 
Listen in to this week’s episode as this is the sex-ed we never received. The sex education, that because I didn’t get it, I went through the first thirty years of my life thinking something was wrong with me. Thinking that I was broken. Truly.
And I’m not alone.
Coaches and sex therapists report that the number one complaint of women is that they fear something is wrong with them.
That they are broken.
You’re not.
We don’t know what we don’t know. Movies, books, and porn all portray a certain kind of lovemaking that is not helpful or accurate.
Today, I want to illuminate some lessons that I wish I had been taught in school or by my parents that have helped me tremendously. 
Listen in and then share. You can be part of the re-education. One person can make a difference and that person can be you!
Click share in the podcast app or send them the show notes at www.smbwell.com/131
Take a picture of the episode and share it on your facebook or instagram stories.
Together we rise.

Did you like this post? Sign up for Susie’s Weekly WELLNESS Newsletter. She’s a Certified Life and Wellness Coach with over 10 years experience helping women live lives they love. www.smbwell.com/newsletter

If you’re ready to take yourself and your life seriously, sign up for a coaching session. If you’d like a quick jump start, for the price of a daily lunch out or one coaching session, sign up for SMB’s 10-Day Boot Camp for Conscious Living. www.SMBwell.com/bootcamp

Let’s Talk about Sex with Dr. Sonia Wright

Let’s Talk about Sex with Dr. Sonia Wright

Sex is a wonderful part of our wellness and healthy relationships yet we rarely talk frankly about it.
Let’s change that today!!
In this episode of the Love Your Life Show, Dr. Sonia Wright, a sex coach for midlife women, is on the show!
We discuss some amazingly helpful topics to help you feel empowered and uplifted.
-Show notes and all links mentioned for this episode can be found at www.SMBwell.com/130
-More freebies from Susie: www.smbwell.com/newsletter
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