Deliberate and Intentional Living

Deliberate and Intentional Living

Anyone else tired?
Over this?
I am hearing from a lot of you that you’re tired of “this”.
You’re saying you’re worn out.
You feel tired, sluggish, and heavy. You are feeling despair. 
I hear you and am here for you.
This episode is the final in a series on deliberate living and intentionality. This whole series supports you to move out of the drain and despair.

Instead of hunkering down and waiting for the past to come back, I invite, urge, encourage you to listen in and get deliberate.
You matter to me.

Please share this episode with one other person who may resonate with this message. If everyone who read this did that, we’d double the reach of this message!! The more people who go around taking steps to live a happier life, the better off we all are.

For more fun, sign up for my weekly WELLNESS newsletter so you don’t miss a single week of fun and freebies.

Interested in taking it a bit deeper? Don’t miss out on my FINDING JOY IN EVERYDAY LIFE program starting next month. Enrollment is closing soon. starting at the end of this month.

Show notes for this episode can be found at

Deliberate Thinking

Deliberate Thinking

In order to have a future different than our past, we have to start thinking and believing different and bigger thoughts.
On purpose.
Over and over.
As Dr. Joe Dispenza says, we have to break the habit of being ourselves.
If you want things to be different, you must do things differently.
Join me this week as I explain how this will help you.

Show notes for this episode can be found at
If you’re ready to get started with Susie her most popular program is open NOW! Don’t miss out: Finding Joy In Your Everyday Life, learn more here:
Continue with the conversation over in our Private Facebook community of women just like you

If you liked this episode and you want more Susie, she can be found daily on Instagram at

Avoiding Stable Misery with Dr. Lynyetta Willis

Avoiding Stable Misery with Dr. Lynyetta Willis

Dr. Lynyetta Willis is a psychologist and family empowerment coach. She joins us today to discuss stable misery, what it is, how to avoid it, and how to get out of it. She is an incredible guest and I know you will get a lot out of this show.
All links mentioned, including how to sign up for her awesome program launching NOW are in the show notes at

Life Lesson from the Beach

Life Lesson from the Beach

Whenever I’m on vacation, I find myself reflecting on where I am, where I’ve been and where I’m going.
This visit was no different and one day found myself openly sobbing on the beach while lifting my arms in the air in gratitude and praise.
I got out my phone and recorded this podcast.
Please pop this quick episode in your ears and join me in reflecting on the beach.
And, if you are feeling a bit off course, let me help. If you’re listening in realtime, my FINDING JOY IN EVERYDAY LIFE program is open now.
We are given this one, precious life.
Don’t stop dreaming of what’s possible for you in yours.
Let’s go. 
Sign up today.

Tools for Lasting Love

Tools for Lasting Love

Here they are!
This week I share my favorite relationship tools that help me and my clients move towards satisfying and soul-filling connection.
Relationships are complex and multilayered.
They go through seasons and they require different skills at different times.
Here is a sampling of the best tools to keep your love fresh and growing.
Show notes for this episode can be found at
Continue with the conversation over in our Private Facebook community of women just like you
If you liked this episode and you want more Susie, she can be found daily on Instagram at
If you’re ready to get started with Susie and join her most popular program starting next month! Finding Joy In Your Everyday Life, learn more here: