Gulp! My Child is Going to College…

Gulp! My Child is Going to College…

This blog is part hug and part reassurance that you’re not losing your mind. If you have a kid leaving for college (or for kindergarten, preschool, or his first year at middle or high school), you are going to be full of big and often conflicting emotions.

What do YOU want?

What do YOU want?

Consider this your wake up call: if your kids are over the age of 2, certainly the age of 4, it is time to retrain your brain. It’s time to start listening to the inner rumblings of your soul, of your inner warrior. What is she trying to tell you?

3 Steps to Stop People Pleasing

3 Steps to Stop People Pleasing

Spend your energy being yourself instead of being the self others want you to be. When you are showing up as your true self, not only do you benefit (your mental and physical health) but the the people around you also benefit. The better you care for yourself, the better you show up in this world. This is what loving your life is all about. Living your life on your terms.

Spring Cleaning for You

Spring Cleaning for You

Take responsibility for your space. If something or someone is toxic, degrading, or disempowering, don’t allow it into your physical or mental space.