Mindfulness for Busy Moms

Mindfulness for Busy Moms

Do you feel busy? Overwhelmed? Always late? I did! For most of the years of my adult life! Rushing from one thing to the next, trying to do the best I could but feeing like I was always coming up short. As if there would never be enough time in the day for what I needed to get done. I thought I could always be doing something more, something better. Enter my life coach and learning about mindfulness! Listen in to how it may help you!

If you don’t have a life coach, I’d be honored to be yours. In fact, I’m thrilled to offer you the opportunity to be in the beginning class of the Love Your Life School. Learn more here: https://smbwell.com/lifeschool
Follow me on IG: @smb.wellness https://instagram.com/smb.wellness/

How To Send Your Kid to College…without Completely Falling Apart

How To Send Your Kid to College…without Completely Falling Apart

Please join me as I now choose to be awake and to experience the life that I’ve created. I no longer choose to bypass feeling my difficult emotions. I choose to live a full + vibrant life and because of that, I am going to feel a full and vibrant array of emotions. I embrace my tears as I embrace my laughs – both add a dimension and fullness to my life that are part of my experience here on earth

8 Habits for Happier Days

8 Habits for Happier Days

The small things we do consistently make up our days and shape our lives. Here are 8 habits that habitually make my days outstanding. In making them routine, I routinely have days that feel fulfilled, slower-paced, and meaningful.

3 Ways to Feel Less Stress Now

3 Ways to Feel Less Stress Now

Stress is a silent killer. We are not meant to be under the constant level of stress that we are under.  It is only a matter of time until you see physical manifestations of the strong emotions that you are tolerating most days. Learn how you can change that today by taking one of these steps.

3 Ways to Slow Down Time

3 Ways to Slow Down Time

Do you have trouble remembering the difference between December2016 and December 2014? This is why. Gift yourself the chance to slow time down this year. Choose one of the above actions and start today.