A Magical Wand for Your Limiting Beliefs

A Magical Wand for Your Limiting Beliefs

If I could give you a magic wand to change one area of your life, what would you change?
Great news warrior! I am giving you that magic wand at the end of this post. I kid you not. Change in any area of your life is possible. Even better news? It’s simple. Two steps. Listen in to hear more and go to the show notes for your magic wand!
And don’t miss out: The Cleanse for Conscious Living Sale is almost over. Right now it’s half off! Learn more here: http://bit.ly/10daymindfulness

Tools for Lasting Love

Tools for Lasting Love

Here they are!
This week I share my favorite relationship tools that help me and my clients move towards satisfying and soul-filling connection.
Relationships are complex and multilayered.
They go through seasons and they require different skills at different times.
Here is a sampling of the best tools to keep your love fresh and growing.
Show notes for this episode can be found at https://www.smbwell.com/81
Continue with the conversation over in our Private Facebook community of women just like you facebook.com/groups/smbwell
If you liked this episode and you want more Susie, she can be found daily on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/smb.wellness/
If you’re ready to get started with Susie and join her most popular program starting next month! Finding Joy In Your Everyday Life, learn more here: www.SMBwell.com/bestself

How To Like Yourself

How To Like Yourself

There is no other relationship that affects your wellness more than the relationship you have with yourself. If you don’t like yourself, you’re less likely to feed yourself food that nourishes and brings joy to your body. If you don’t speak kindly to yourself, you allow others to speak unkindly to you. If you don’t think your needs are important (or at least as important as those around you), you’re unlikely to carve out time to do the things that bring you joy. If you don’t think highly of yourself, you’re likely to tolerate relationships where they don’t think highly of you either.
How do we start to change this?
How do we learn to like ourselves?
We start with these four steps.
-Listen in and then sign up for Susie’s Weekly WELLNESS Newsletter so you get all the free coaching tips you need to live a life you love. http://bit.ly/2gYQMlA
-Continue the conversation in our private facebook community for Warrior Women facebook.com/groups/smbwell
-Susie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smb.wellness/
-Full show notes at https://www.smbwell.com/79

Massive Action

Massive Action

The difference between people who achieve their goals and those that quit lies in something called massive action.
This concept has changed how I view most aspects of my life: my work, my relationship with my kids, my relationship with my spouse, my health, my finances…you name it.
Listen in as I explain what massive action is and how understanding it will help you.
Show notes and book’s mentioned can be found at www.SMBwell.com/78
We continue this conversation and take the concept deeper in our private facebook community. We’d love to have you join in! facebook.com/groups/smbwell
And if you don’t yet get my weekly email full of free tips and resources, what are you waiting for? http://bit.ly/2gYQMlA

Where Are You Going?

Where Are You Going?

Where are you going warrior?
It’s a new month; a new year; a new decade.
Life is all about living and learning.
About looking back before moving forward.
If we skip the “look back and reflect” step, we keep recreating the same reality over and over again.
Join me as I lead you through some questions that will set you up for your best month, year, and decade.
We have this one life warriors.
Let’s dive in.
Find all links mentioned in the show notes at www.SMBwell.com/74
Sign up for Susie’s weekly newsletter. She’s releasing some programs in 2020 that will fill up quickly and newsletter warriors will be given priority access. http://bit.ly/2gYQMlA