Our Past & Our Parenting

Our Past & Our Parenting

You can only do as well as the knowledge and the tools that you have. When we know better, we do better. And so….let’s learn and grow! We are the adults. We brought our child into this world and it is our responsibility to learn the tools and knowledge so as to best parent these innocent beings.



Each and every day we make choices that create the life we are living. Pay attention to the small choices you’re making every day because they add up.

2 Questions to Change Your Life

2 Questions to Change Your Life

You are in charge of creating your life. There is no knight in shining armor. No one is coming to save you. No one is coming to fix things. You are the adult in your life and you are responsible for your experience here on earth. 

2 Steps for a Strong September

2 Steps for a Strong September

If you want a different experience in your life, you must do something differently. What did you do last September? How did that work for you?