Do you have a child who’s growing up? Whether they are two or 22, if you are a parent, you will want to listen in to this episode as I offer true and tested strategies to help you as we support our children (and ourselves!) through this journey of life!
Did you like this episode? Grab the BONUS GUIDE at https://smbwell.com/empty nest

Shownotes and all links mentioned can be found at https://SMBwell.com/208

Set yourself up for success with my super popular Parenting Teens Class. Available now to start at your own speed: https://smbwell.com/parenting

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and Sign up for Susie’s Weekly WELLNESS Newsletter so you get all the free coaching tips you need to live a life you love. http://bit.ly/2gYQMlA

I do what I do because I want to help people live lives they love. I would love to be InstaFRIENDS with you! Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/smb.wellness

KEEP THE SHOW AD FREE: https://patreon.com/susiepettit

PS You still here? I SEE you and I SUPPORT you! YOU matter to me!!! xxxxx

How to Help Your Teen

How to Help Your Teen

Parenting and supporting others is one of the most challenging jobs here on earth.
I know it dear warrior! Not only do I have my own five sons, I interact with plenty of clients and humans that are having their human experiences.
And boy do I want to help!
Tune in today to learn three ways to help our loved ones that WORK!
Show Notes: https://www.smbwell.com/201
Are you a woman over 40? JOIN THE MIDLIFE WARRIOR MEMBERSHIP https://smbwell.com/membership
Work with Susie here: https://smb.as.me
See Susie’s favorite products here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/smbwell
Follow Susie on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/smb.wellness
Join the Warrior Women Free Community on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/smbwell

Empowering Women with Melody Pourmoradi

Empowering Women with Melody Pourmoradi

Wondering how to help your daughter’s confidence and self image?
Concerned about your child’s inner talk?
Wondering how to help your child with perfectionism?
Or are you focused more globally and wondering how to impact people to show up as their best selves?
Wherever you are on your journey, this interview is for you!
Today on the show, I have author and empowerment expert, Melody Pourmoradi. Our conversation inspired me and I can’t wait for it to do the same with you!
Show notes and all links mentioned can be found here: www.smbwell.com/189
Buy her book here: https://amzn.to/3EVlNAv
Share this episode with another woman today! www.smbwell.com/itunes
Screen shot you listening and tag us both on instagram! If there’s one massive takeaway from this show it lies in the magic of women supporting women!
Susie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smb.wellness/
Melody on Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/girlifeempowerment/

Codependent Perfectionist Parenting with Alana Carvalho

Codependent Perfectionist Parenting with Alana Carvalho

I have the author of “Raising Empowered Kids: The Codependent Perfectionist’s Guide to Parenting” on the show today!
Have you heard of perfectionism?
Duh, yes, right?
How about codependency?
If you haven’t heard of it, trust me, you’ve been involved in it.
Listen in to today’s show to see how these two things show up in our lives as women and our lives as a parent. I’m so excited to share our conversation with you!

All links mentioned can be found here: https://www.smbwell.com/189
Get her book here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/173453480X?ref=exp_smbwell_dp_vv_d
Watch it on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/i_QnSMxOGak
Reach out to Alana on Instagram and tell her what you’ve learned! https://www.instagram.com/thecodependentperfecitonist
Comment on my post on the show to spread the message: https://www.instagram.com/smb.wellness

How to STOP OverFunctioning and FEEL BETTER

How to STOP OverFunctioning and FEEL BETTER

Overfunctioning leads to burn out, resentment, and stress for the overfunctioner.
For the underfunctioner, it leads to anxiety, low confidence and stress. lose lose.
How to shift out?
Today I’m sharing two of my best tools and thoughts to help us STOP TODAY!

*QUICK: SIGN UP FOR THE PARENTING PROGRAM HERE: https://www.smbwell.com/parenting
*All links mentioned Show Notes Here: https://www.smbwell.com/188
*Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/susiepettit
****JOIN THE MIDLIFE WARRIOR MEMBERSHIP TODAY: https://www.smbwell.com/membership ****

How to Stop Over-Parenting

How to Stop Over-Parenting

Hey there!
Yes you!
The smart, dedicated woman.
The one who knows that over functioning, over parenting, over helping or whatever we want to call it, is unhelpful in our relationships.
We are smart.
We have the facts about how over functioning in our relationships is harmful to us and to the people we are trying to help.
We know the current paradigm of doing it all is outdated and unhelpful.
We recognize the harms of codependency and our lack of training in emotional intelligence.
We are ready.

However, how to start?
How do be step away from over-parenting?
What are the ways that can stop over functioning in our relationships?
What does a codependent free relationship even look like?
Click play.
This episode is for you.

*QUICK: SIGN UP FOR THE PARENTING PROGRAM HERE: https://www.smbwell.com/parenting
*All links mentioned Show Notes Here: https://www.smbwell.com/187
*Support the show: https://www.smbwell.com/patreon
****JOIN THE MIDLIFE WARRIOR MEMBERSHIP TODAY: https://www.smbwell.com/membership ****