How do you feel when you think of spending extra time with your parents, inlaws, or siblings?
Do you feel dread, resentment, frustration, excitement, joy, anticipation?
Don’t worry: there is no right answer.
You probably feel a combination of emotions.
The important piece is to be aware of how you feel and to get clear that that’s how you want to feel.
Do you want to feel differently?
You can!
By insuring that you’re not adding unnecessary drama to your relationships.
By being aware of your role in the relationships and where you may be adding drama to your relationships, you can begin to feel differently.
Here are 5 Common Ways We Add Drama to Our Relationships:
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Trying to control our kids’ lives gives us an illusion of calm and feels good in the moment.
Plus it’s what everyone else is doing so until you learn how it impacts our kids, why would you choose to do differently?
I’ll tell you why.
Because it actually doesn’t feel good for you or your kid.
We are under the illusion that if we let go of control everything will fall apart.
The irony is that we feel more out of control than ever.
Listen in as I share one of my favorite tools to help with this.
Show notes for this episode can be found at
Continue with the conversation over in our Private Facebook community of women just like you
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and find her daily on Instagram at
Why do we expect kids to do things we don’t or can’t do?
In the same way that I can not expect my kids to have control of their phone usage if I don’t have control of my phone usage. I can’t expect my kids to process their emotions if I can’t process mine.
In the same way that I can’t expect my kids to choose food that is healthy for their bodies if I don’t choose healthy foods for my body. I can not teach my kids how to regulate their emotions if I don’t know how to regulate mine.
In order for our kids to be able to process their emotions from a strong, empowered place, we parents have to know how to do that. Yet whoa, if you’re anything like me, I did not know how to manage my own emotions in effective, healthy ways. I certainly knew how to manage my emotions in ineffective, unhealthy ways: over eating, drinking, blaming others, procrastinating, etc. But how to process them in helpful ways?
Enter this podcast!
Listen in because it’s actually quite simple.
3 Steps.
Let’s go.
Life is meant to be lived fully and that means we get to learn how to feel all the emotions.
Join me on the podcast and then join me in the Warrior Women Facebook group to further discuss this:
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I post what parenting 5 boys in a blended family really looks like. I’m here on this journey with you!
I move forward into the 48th year of my life excited for it all and share 48 things: 10 things I do to stay mentally strong, 10 things I don’t do; 10 things I do to get out of a funk, 8 things I don’t do, and 10 life lessons.
In many ways, I could write a blog post on any one of these (and I have on many of them). Don’t miss this week’s Warrior Women discussion (Thursday at 10:30 AM Est) as I can elaborate on any of these. Remember warriors, growing older is a great thing! Raise your head up, pull your shoulders back, and go out there and live the life YOU want to be living.
Did you like this post? Sign up for Susie’s Weekly WELLNESS Newsletter. She’s a Certified Life and Wellness Coach with over 10 years experience helping women live lives they love.
If you have a kid leaving for college (or even heading to kindergarten or preschool), you are going to be full of big and often conflicting emotions. Your logical mind can tell you that everything is “fine”; that your child is supposed to be going to college or kindergarten; that this is actually a magnificent opportunity. Yet, your emotional mind will probably be in a completely different place full of fear, sadness, regret, guilt, worry, you name it. This inner conflict leaves us feeling like we’re losing our mind. Crying with joy in one moment and crying in angst in the next. I’m here to tell you that you’re not losing your mind and offer a path out of this inner turmoil.
Did you like this episode? Grab the shownotes at and Sign up for Susie’s Weekly WELLNESS Newsletter so you get all the free coaching tips you need to live a life you love.
I hear from so many of you that your partner won’t change or that you’re frustrated because the same issues keep coming up in your relationships. This post is for you. Here are 10 Ways YOU can take charge and make a difference in your relationship!