Rethinking Boundaries

Rethinking Boundaries

I encourage you to reframe how you think of boundaries. They are not negative, punitive, or something we do to other people. Boundaries are actually a way we take care of and protect ourselves in relationships. Setting boundaries in my important relationships has allowed me to have more fulfilling relationships than ever before. 

8 Habits for Happier Days

8 Habits for Happier Days

The small things we do consistently make up our days and shape our lives. Here are 8 habits that habitually make my days outstanding. In making them routine, I routinely have days that feel fulfilled, slower-paced, and meaningful.

What do YOU want?

What do YOU want?

Consider this your wake up call: if your kids are over the age of 2, certainly the age of 4, it is time to retrain your brain. It’s time to start listening to the inner rumblings of your soul, of your inner warrior. What is she trying to tell you?

Go Do Something

Go Do Something

Do you know where a lot of our stress comes from? Knowing what we need to do but not doing it. Read why that happens and what you can do about it in this week’s blog.