Slay Your Fear with Katherine Wintsch

Slay Your Fear with Katherine Wintsch

I bring back a favorite podcast guest this week to tackle fear, worry, and life. Yes warriors, we dig into it all.
We dig into how fear and anxiety affect our wellness and mental health. We look at how our desire to control what we can’t adds stress to our systems. impacts our days and influences our family life.

Don’t worry though. As two women who have dedicated our lives to helping women, we don’t merely point out what’s wrong and leave you there. We give you ideas and tools for how to shift out of fear, self doubt, and perfectionism. We share experiences from our own lives and our current experiences with quarantine and covid19, to share what’s been working (and what hasn’t).

I loved connecting with Katherine and know you’ll love listening in.
All links mentioned are in the show notes at

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the Love Your Life Podcast

How To Like Yourself

How To Like Yourself

There is no other relationship that affects your wellness more than the relationship you have with yourself. If you don’t like yourself, you’re less likely to feed yourself food that nourishes and brings joy to your body. If you don’t speak kindly to yourself, you allow others to speak unkindly to you. If you don’t think your needs are important (or at least as important as those around you), you’re unlikely to carve out time to do the things that bring you joy. If you don’t think highly of yourself, you’re likely to tolerate relationships where they don’t think highly of you either.
How do we start to change this?
How do we learn to like ourselves?
We start with these four steps.
-Listen in and then sign up for Susie’s Weekly WELLNESS Newsletter so you get all the free coaching tips you need to live a life you love.
-Continue the conversation in our private facebook community for Warrior Women
-Susie on Instagram:
-Full show notes at

Massive Action

Massive Action

The difference between people who achieve their goals and those that quit lies in something called massive action.
This concept has changed how I view most aspects of my life: my work, my relationship with my kids, my relationship with my spouse, my health, my finances…you name it.
Listen in as I explain what massive action is and how understanding it will help you.
Show notes and book’s mentioned can be found at
We continue this conversation and take the concept deeper in our private facebook community. We’d love to have you join in!
And if you don’t yet get my weekly email full of free tips and resources, what are you waiting for?

It’s Time To Stop Dieting

It’s Time To Stop Dieting

Warriors, there is so much more to life than our weight.
Yet, if you’re anything like the average woman, you’ve spent years of your life thinking about your weight and your body.
I don’t have many regrets in life yet boy do I regret the amount of time I’ve spent thinking negatively about my body. I deeply regret the years that I linked my worth to my physical appearance.
It’s time to change.
The first step to having a healthy relationship with food and your weight is to become aware of what you’re thinking about food and your weight.
Tune back into yourself.
What do you want?
What feels good?
Over the years we’ve jumped on this treadmill of life, powered mostly by men, telling us how to value ourselves.
Let’s get off.
Our collective brain power is needed.
It’s time warriors. 
If you want something to be different, we need to be different.

For the first time in a long time, I’m offering a program detailing the pathway to permanent weight loss so that you can put this behind you once and for all. Join the hundreds of women that I’ve helped move from thinking and obsessing about their weight to instead thinking and obsessing on ways to live a life they love. The enrollment ends this week. You don’t want to miss this: as I have no plans to offer it again. You are here for a reason and it’s my belief that that reason has nothing to do with your body shape or size. Learn more here:

Shownotes are at
Join the Love Your Life School to take two of my popular courses: Permanent Pathway to Weight Loss and Emotional Eating

Enough Already: Be Nice!

Enough Already: Be Nice!

There is no other relationship that affects your wellness more than the relationship you have with yourself. If you don’t like yourself, you’re less likely to feed yourself food that is helpful for your body. If you don’t value yourself, you’re less likely to carve out time to do the things that bring you joy. If you don’t think you’re worthy, you won’t make time for the healing sleep that you so need. If you put everyone else’s needs in front of your own, you won’t make time to move your body and exercise.
Why not work a bit on your relationship with yourself? Chances are, you’ve worked on your relationship with other people in your life: your spouse, your kids, your parents…..Why not pour some of that attention on yourself and your relationship with yourself? I promise you that the work you do will exponentially affect your life for the better.
The more you know about yourself, your patterns, your triggers, and the way you show up in this world, the better you’ll be able to craft a life you love. Knowledge truly is power dear warrior and in this episode I give you two things that, if done, are guaranteed to help you improve your most important relationship.

Show notes for this episode can be found at
Continue with the conversation over in our Private Facebook community of women just like you
If you’re ready to get started with Susie and join her most popular program: Finding Joy In Your Everyday Life, learn more here: