My Top Energy Hacks

My Top Energy Hacks

I’m often asked how I have so much energy.
Listen in because I tell all today.
I give my top energy hacks and then one super bonus tip just for you.
Please do me a favor and share this with at least one other person today. The more of us feeling good and high vibe in our life, the more good and high vibe there is in this world.
Let’s go warriors! You matter to me!
Show notes at
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Beat Burnout Now

Beat Burnout Now

If you’re anything like most right now, then you’re feeling burnout big time right now.
And you want to beat burnout now. I get it.
And I want you to beat it too!
The world needs you!
I made this episode for you because I know you don’t have much time….
AND….you’re probably sick of feeling how you’re feeling.

Listen in and then commit to these two things (they take under a minute).
Action is the antidote to despair.
Commit in the comments. We are more than 90% more likely to do something if we tell someone we’ll do it.
I can be your person.
Leave a review and let me know you’ve committed or leave a message on instagram at
Life moves quickly if we let it. Push pause, commit. You’re important to me
Show notes for this episode can be found at

5 Ways to Feel Better post COVID

5 Ways to Feel Better post COVID

You feeling it?
Excited to be getting back into it and exhausted about getting back into it?
Energized to see people and do things again and overwhelmed about seeing people and doing things again?
It’s a both and!
And you’re not alone.
Tune in to this week’s show to learn of 5 ways to start feeling better today.
Choose one and then leave me a comment on an instagram post from this week or in the show notes at
We are 80% more likely to do something if we tell someone else. I’d love to be your someone else!

And if you haven’t left a rating and review for the show yet, can I ask for you to scroll down to the purple writing and leave one today?
It means the word to me as a podcaster.
(Plus it helps to remind me that I’m not just sitting here talking to my computer, lol!)
Big hugs to you warriors! You matter to me!

PS If you’re looking for a link to the online consciousness cleanse, here it is:

3 Steps to Strengthen Your Decision Making Muscle

3 Steps to Strengthen Your Decision Making Muscle

Shortening the time it takes to make a decision moves us towards living that life we want to be living. When we spend a lot of time in indecision, we feel stress, overwhelm, and mental fatigue.
That’s not what I want for you warriors.
Listen in to learn the three main factors to consider when making a decision and then let’s work together to strengthen our decision making muscle.
I’m here for you warriors!
This is where coaches are magical. I am not in your life. I have the unique ability of being impartial and nudging you towards action. If you don’t have a life coach yet, I’d love to be yours. Click here and let me support you.
I work one-on-one with clients and also have an introductory all online boot camp if you want to dip your toe in. 

*Show notes for this episode can be found at
*If you liked this episode and you want more Susie, sign up for the weekly wellness newsletter full of more awesome tips and tools to help YOU!
*Continue with the conversation over in our Private Facebook community of women just like you :

Choose to Live This Year For You

Choose to Live This Year For You

When we say yes to something new, we are saying no to something else.
If you’re a woman growing up in the society, that probably means you’ve been saying no to you.
The choices you’ve been making may have led you to say no to your dreams, to your goals, to your health; to your life.
Let’s change that.
Choose You this year.
Listen in to specific steps on how to choose you.
You matter to me.
Please share this episode with one other person who may resonate with this message. If everyone who read this did that, we’d double the reach of this message!! The more people who go around taking steps to live a happier life, the better off we all are.
For more fun, sign up for my weekly WELLNESS newsletter so you don’t miss a single week of fun and freebies.
To dive deeper, join our Warrior Women Community where we meet, talk, and support each other
Show notes for this episode can be found at

Don’t Waste Anymore Time

Don’t Waste Anymore Time

We waste a lot of time getting distracted from our best lived life. Thinking we need to do what others want us to do or focusing too much on our weaknesses instead of strengthening our strengths.
We waste a lot of time avoiding our life in our thoughts and in our actions.
We think up excuses of why things are as they are. We take action that isn’t most aligned for us. Looking on facebook, drinking, organizing our desk, you name it.
Let’s stop wasting time.
In this week’s podcast episode I discuss 10 areas to look at and evaluate in order to make a plan for moving forward that’s best for you.
Listen in and then head to the shownotes at to see the 10 areas for yourself.
And if you’re ready to leave the past behind and create a life you love, a life that feels good on the inside, sign up for my signature program. It’s open for a couple more days at
Don’t miss out warrior. This is your year!