Who’s In Charge: Your Adult Brain or Your Child Brain?

Who’s In Charge: Your Adult Brain or Your Child Brain?

Understanding how my brain works has made all the difference in my life. Our brain is the supercomputer that runs our life. It is the force driving our actions that lead to the results we see in our life. The question is, is it running you or are you running it? 

Learning about neuroscience and how my brain works has helped me in ways I expected (hacking my brain to do the things I want to do) and in ways I didn’t expect (higher confidence, lower negative self talk, and less people pleasing) Of course I want to share this knowledge with you. 
This week I share a super simple way to think of your brain so that you can start doing the things you want to be doing (and stop doing the things you don’t want to be doing!)
All links mentioned can be found in the show notes here: www.smbwell.com/94
If you missed last week’s free worksheet, get it here: https://smbwell.com/bridgethoughts/
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Emotional Strength with Dr. Joan Rosenberg

Emotional Strength with Dr. Joan Rosenberg

I am so excited for you to listen in to our conversation today and learn how to use the Rosenberg Reset. I’ve been using it daily (possibly even hourly….!) and know you’re going to bring it into your daily practice also!
Dr. Rosenberg is an expert psychologist, master clinician, trainer, creator of Emotional Mastery and a corporate consultant who is internationally recognized for her thought leadership and influence in personal development.
Today Dr. Rosenberg is on the show to teach us her Rosenberg Reset. A practical tool and technique used to foster emotional strength, confidence, and resiliency.
Learn how to use the Rosenberg Reset so you feel more calm and in control of your daily emotional experiences.

“Think, Speak, and Act in the Direction You Want To Go.”

Check out the full show notes page: www.smbwell.com/93
Follow Susie on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/smb.wellness/

A Magical Wand for Your Limiting Beliefs

A Magical Wand for Your Limiting Beliefs

If I could give you a magic wand to change one area of your life, what would you change?
Great news warrior! I am giving you that magic wand at the end of this post. I kid you not. Change in any area of your life is possible. Even better news? It’s simple. Two steps. Listen in to hear more and go to the show notes for your magic wand!
And don’t miss out: The Cleanse for Conscious Living Sale is almost over. Right now it’s half off! Learn more here: http://bit.ly/10daymindfulness

5 Easy Ways to Tidy Up

5 Easy Ways to Tidy Up

It’s time! Time to Tidy Up! Time to get rid of the clutter that’s weighing you down. This week I have 5 easy ways to tidy up in your life. I urge you to choose one area and get started today. External clutter creates added stress and overwhelm in our life.

Mental Hygiene with Laurie Cameron

Mental Hygiene with Laurie Cameron

Mental Hygiene? Yep. There is such a thing as mental hygiene and it affects all areas of our life. The amount of stress and anxiety we are experiencing as a society is directly affecting our physical health.