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beliefs, thought model, dreams, believe, expansion
beliefs, thought model, dreams, believe, expansion
beliefs, thought model, dreams, believe, expansion
beliefs, thought model, dreams, believe, expansion

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How To Overcome Debilitating Anxiety and Childhood Trauma with Christen Bensten

How To Overcome Debilitating Anxiety and Childhood Trauma with Christen Bensten

Today we have author and small business owner, Christen Bensten on the show.
While many of us have not experienced the level of childhood trauma or debilitating anxiety that Christen has experienced, we all have had childhood experiences that mark us. As a result of this, this interview is one you don’t want to miss.

This past year, Christen published her memoir, Starving.
In it she shares her difficult, yet hopeful story of growing up in a constant state of fear, managing her anxiety and depression on her own, and what it took to find love and healing.  

Listen in as we discuss her journey with the intent to bring you hope and model what is possible with resiliency. Thank you Christen for sharing your story.

*Show notes for this episode can be found at
*Continue with the conversation over in our Private Facebook community of women just like you
*If you liked this episode please let us know on the show’s instagram post👉🏽
Please let Christen know that you enjoyed the conversation and her work by taking a screen shot of you listening and tagging us both on instagram. #Togetherwerise

My Top Energy Hacks

My Top Energy Hacks

I’m often asked how I have so much energy.
Listen in because I tell all today.
I give my top energy hacks and then one super bonus tip just for you.
Please do me a favor and share this with at least one other person today. The more of us feeling good and high vibe in our life, the more good and high vibe there is in this world.
Let’s go warriors! You matter to me!
Show notes at
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3 Practices to Stop People Pleasing

3 Practices to Stop People Pleasing

People pleasing isn’t nice.
It isn’t nice to you and it’s not nice to the other person.
We are lying to ourselves,. saying yes when we mean no and we are setting our relationships up for disconnect and pissiness (is that a word?!)
When I say yes in order to avoid conflict or because I want others to think I’m nice, I’m BSing myself and the other person.
My BS leads to the land of BS (bitter and sour).
I lived many years like this and so have the experience to lead you out of this.
To help you feel better.
About yourself and about your relationships.
Listen in as I give you the actual words to use so you can stop being a people deceiver.
Show notes are at
Want support on your journey?
Follow Susie on Instagram at

Boundaries without the B*tchiness

Boundaries without the B*tchiness

What comes up for you when you hear the word boundary?
For some, it’s a B word….b*tch. You think you are a b*tch if you set a boundary or if you set one you’re being b*tchy.
The reality is quite different. It’s when I don’t set boundaries that I act like a b*tch. When I don’t set boundaries I feel misunderstood, used, resentful, angry….you name it (and it’s not good).
Please listen in and then share this episode. We are not taught this in school and most of our homes were codependent and boundary-less.

Boundaries are now something I use every day in multiple ways.
They are the reason why I feel heard and understood in my relationships.
Furthermore, they are the one thing that, when instituted correctly, bring peace and ease to my clients’ lives. 

Please share this episode with one other person who may resonate with this message. If everyone who read this did that, we’d double the reach of this message!!T
Three easy ways how:
* Cut and paste this link and share in a text or email:
* Share the podcast episode by sharing this link:
* Screen shot this page and put it in your instagram story. Make sure you mention me @smb.wellness so I have the opportunity to give you a shout out! 

Drama Free Conversations with Michelle Icard

Drama Free Conversations with Michelle Icard

How much drama do you bring into your conversations?
Oh warriors, I have brought a LOT of drama into my conversations over the years.
Whether it’s been in my delivery (jumping in too fast anyone?!) or beating around the bush or being defensive or being overly bossy (I know, hard to believe!)….
Help is here!
Michelle Icard is on the show today to help us have drama free conversations, whether it’s with our middle school aged child or our partner.
Listen in and then let us know what you learned or what helps you have less drama in your relationships.
*Show notes and a link to watch us on YouTube can be found at
*Continue with the conversation over in our Private Facebook community of women just like you
*If you liked this episode, please, please, please let us know on the show’s instagram post 👉🏽 How about you take a screen shot of you listening, tag us and we can share the joy!
Together we rise, dear warrior women!

Beat Burnout Now

Beat Burnout Now

If you’re anything like most right now, then you’re feeling burnout big time right now.
And you want to beat burnout now. I get it.
And I want you to beat it too!
The world needs you!
I made this episode for you because I know you don’t have much time….
AND….you’re probably sick of feeling how you’re feeling.

Listen in and then commit to these two things (they take under a minute).
Action is the antidote to despair.
Commit in the comments. We are more than 90% more likely to do something if we tell someone we’ll do it.
I can be your person.
Leave a review and let me know you’ve committed or leave a message on instagram at
Life moves quickly if we let it. Push pause, commit. You’re important to me
Show notes for this episode can be found at

5 Ways to Feel Better post COVID

5 Ways to Feel Better post COVID

You feeling it?
Excited to be getting back into it and exhausted about getting back into it?
Energized to see people and do things again and overwhelmed about seeing people and doing things again?
It’s a both and!
And you’re not alone.
Tune in to this week’s show to learn of 5 ways to start feeling better today.
Choose one and then leave me a comment on an instagram post from this week or in the show notes at
We are 80% more likely to do something if we tell someone else. I’d love to be your someone else!

And if you haven’t left a rating and review for the show yet, can I ask for you to scroll down to the purple writing and leave one today?
It means the word to me as a podcaster.
(Plus it helps to remind me that I’m not just sitting here talking to my computer, lol!)
Big hugs to you warriors! You matter to me!

PS If you’re looking for a link to the online consciousness cleanse, here it is:

3 Best (and Quickest) Mindfulness Tools

3 Best (and Quickest) Mindfulness Tools

2020 has us feeling like we’ve been hit by a truck.
Here are my 3 quickest (and most effective!) mindfulness tools to learn how to feel better.

Resources mentioned in this episode can be found at
Continue with the conversation over in our Private Facebook community of women just like you
If you liked this episode and you want more Susie, she can be found daily on Instagram at
If you’re ready to get started with Susie, fingers crossed! See if her schedule has room here: